<span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>[[What do cancer and nuclear weapons have in common?]].</i>"</span>u picked 2
(if: $timespent > 10)[you've spent 10]That ordeal is over. Again, again, again, you are alone on Stock Hill,looking out over the defiled tree stumps.
You've encountered a forester, (if: $Sign is true)[a mouldy sign, ](if: $Snowbrawl is true)[snowballers, ](if: $Gil is true)[a mountaineer, ](if: $Ghost is true)[the ghost of an .mp3(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ who hasnt left your side], ](if: $Shutterstock is true)[a cult of Shutterstock rejects, ](if: $Bots is true)[an algorithm arguing with another slgihtly different algorithm] and a disgruntled white-haired man(if: $Punched is true)[ who punched you in the face].
What a day it's been. You wonder if the sun should be setting, but the zone seems bathed in a persistent flat orange-ish light. You feel melancholy; this place and its inhabitants are really struggling with forces out of their control. Forces that rank growth over sustainability, respect and creative expression. Stock Hill has been conjured, extracted, packaged, compressed and sold to the highest bidder. It saddens you.
As you daydream, a familiar voice sounds behind you...
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Have you learnt nothing?"</i></span>
[[And a bag is pulled over your head.]]<span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>On the frontier, nature goes wild.</i>"</span>
Beginning to walk, almost just for the sake of feeling your feet moving, you come across a damp wooden sign, hastily erected with no eye toward longevity. You could pause to [[read it]], or just [[walk on by]].[[You are mildly confused.]]
<img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sq.jpg height="500">
(set: $Sign to true)You encounter another individual. It appears they have been sleeping under a tarpaulin next to the road. The road, that is, that you have just realised you are idly following.
[["Hello there?"]]
[[Say nothing.]] Silence is always an option.<span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>What do cancer and nuclear weapons have in common? Their expansion, proliferation, is always already out of control. Proliferation, too, is a key principle of capitalist expansion, particularly at capitalist frontiers where accumulation is not so much primitive, that is, archaic, as savage. Frontiers are not just edges; they are particular kinds of edges where the expansive nature of extraction comes into its own. Built from historical models of European conquest, frontiers create wildness so that some—and not others—may reap its rewards. Frontiers are deregulated because they arise in the interstitial spaces made by collaborations among legitimate and illegitimate partners: armies and bandits; gangsters and corporations; builders and despoilers. They confuse the boundaries of law and theft, governance and violence, use and destruction. These confusions change the rules and thus enable extravagant new economies of profit—as well as loss.</i>"</span>
-<a href="https://press.princeton.edu/our-authors/tsing-anna-lowenhaupt/" target="_blank">Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing</a> in <i>Friction</i>, 2005
[[Continue walking...]]<img style="width:100%;" src="http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/titlesmall.gif" data-raw="">
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>a hypertext novella by Benjamin Hall, with regards to Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and <a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a></i>
(The light blue phrases are hyperlinks. Choose one and click to begin following a path to the frontier)</span>
You are stood on Stock Hill. You exhale and look down at the Earth.
[[Look around.]]
(set: $Punched to false)
(set: $Snowbrawl to false)
(set: $Gil to false)
(set: $Ghost to false)
(set: $Shutterstock to false)
(set: $GhostCompanion to false)
(set: $Bots to false)
(set: $Sign to false)
(set: $Rupa to false)
(set: $Cloud to false)
(set: $Swarm to false)
(set: $Neither to false)
(set: $Forester to false)
(set: $Finale = 0)</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/small-ground.jpg> </div>
You appear to be in a zoned logging area. Which is odd, considering you're a local to this area, and never remember their being any trees at all.
"<i>Hills flood away, streams are stuck in mud, vines swarm over fresh stumps, ants and humans are on the move.</i>"
This is a [[free-for-all frontier|Tsing1]].What is <a href="https://twitter.com/horse_ebooks?lang=en" target="_blank">Horse ebooks</a>? You are not sure, but whomever posted that sign seems fairly unhappy about it.
You heard a quote once; "<a href="https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=f_v0T9LXNLAC&pg=PA226&lpg=PA226&dq=%22The+future+doesn%E2%80%99t+look+promising+for+us+as+creative+entities%22&source=bl&ots=iB24IFpjHi&sig=ACfU3U02d8xSlO_Xb_9lcIlcT3ahQSnEVA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG573egP_qAhWUqHEKHSKBAUYQ6AEwAHoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22The%20future%20doesn%E2%80%99t%20look%20promising%20for%20us%20as%20creative%20entities%22&f=false"target="_blank"><i>The future doesn’t look promising for us as creative entities</i></a>". It seems relevant, but you aren't sure exactly how at present.
[[Muse as you wander...|walk on by]]The individual turns 180 degrees from their tarp toward you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Another one."</i></span>
[["I'm sorry?"]]
[["Thats right. Another one."]]
(set: $Forester to true)The individual doesn't notice you as they seem hugely preoccupied with their tarpaulin. You don't think you've ever seen a tarpaulin <i>not</i> being fastidiously fussed over, crunching between the breeze and a flurry of fingers.
You are confident they aren't going to make you stop-and-chat, so you [[keep watching.]]The individual turns 180 degrees from their tarp toward you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Another one."</i></span>
"I'm sorry?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Forgive my rudeness but it's a bit of a scrum and a scramble here."</i></span>
[["What's going on?"]]
"Right." [[You are no longer interested in this arsehole.]]The individual turns 180 degrees from their tarp toward you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Another one."</i></span>
"Thats right. Another one." You play along.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It really does be like that sometimes. Everyone's flocked to Stock Hill. It wont be stocked for long."</i></span>
"I've lived here since I was born and there was never a forest on Stock Hill. [[Where did these stumps come from, and why have you cut them?]]"The individual doesn't notice you as they seem hugely preoccupied with their tarpaulin. You don't think you've ever seen a tarpaulin <i>not</i> being fastidiously fussed over, crunching between the breeze and a flurry of fingers.
You are confident they aren't going to make you stop-and-chat, so you keep watching.
Taking a few steps back to exit the situation, you see food supplies, sleeping gear, a radio, a telephone, and what appears to be deforestaion equipment. They're listening to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Dx6OQ7RvDXc&feature=emb_title"target="_blank">Rupa Biswas</a>.
Why are there foresters here, when there was never a forest? Why are there tree stumps here, then there was never a forest? [[Confused, you walk away.]]
(set: $Rupa to true)The individual turns 180 degrees from their tarp toward you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Another one."</i></span>
"I'm sorry?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Forgive my rudeness but it's a bit of a scrum and a scramble here."</i></span>
"What's going on?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"This whole forest's coming down."</i></span>
"I've lived here since I was born and there was never a forest on Stock Hill. [[Where did these stumps come from, and why have you cut them?]]"The individual turns 180 degrees from their tarp toward you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Another one."</i></span>
"I'm sorry?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Forgive my rudeness but it's a bit of a scrum and a scramble here."</i></span>
"Right." You are no longer interested in this arsehole.
Taking a few steps back to exit the situation, you see food supplies, sleeping gear, a radio, a telephone, and what appears to be deforestaion equipment. They're listening to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Dx6OQ7RvDXc&feature=emb_title"target="_blank">Rupa Biswas</a>.
Why are there foresters here, when there was never a forest? Why are there tree stumps here, then there was never a forest? [[Confused, you walk away.]]
(set: $Rupa to true)Confused, you walk away.
Uninvited, another unloved sign rises from the earth. To elaborate; a small hole yawns open between the detritus of the desolated hill zone and the placard pops out without malice or immediate threat, but you still don't appraciate it being pushed on you. A blue light shines. Somewhere there's music playing.
[[Oblige the sign; read it.]]
[[This again; scroll straight past.|next]] <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I was told there was fast money to be made here by selling logs down the river, but when I arrived all that was here was these stumps.
An abandoned logging road has got to be one of the most desolate places on earth. It doesn’t go anywhere, by definition. If you are walking there, it is either because you are lost or you are trespassing, or both. The wet clay builds clods on your boots, if you have any, sapping your strength, and if you don’t have any boots, the sun and the hot mud are unmerciful. Whole hillsides slide down beside you into the stagnant pools where the mosquitoes breed. Abandoned roads soon lose their shape, forcing you in and out of eroded canyons and over muddy trickles where bridges once stood but which are now choked by loose soil, vines crawling on disinterred roots and trunks sliding, askew.</span>
(-<a href="https://press.princeton.edu/our-authors/tsing-anna-lowenhaupt/" target="_blank">Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing</a> in <i>Friction</i>, 2005)
<span style="background-color: #000000">What do you mean there was no forest here? When was the last time you came?"</i></span>
[["Last year. There's no way trees that thick can grow in a year..."]]
[["I mean there was no forest here! That sounds like an alienating experience; I've always felt this to be my home."]]"Last year. There's no way trees that thick can grow in a year..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"All I know is what the prospector told me. They're based 1000s of miles away, but they got some local expert out and since then there's been an insane spike in interest. That does seem very odd. I would ask around, but I'm the only person I've seen. Other than you, I suppose."</i></span>
This forester can be no help to you. [[Confused, you walk away.]] "I mean there was no forest here! That sounds like an alienating experience; I've always felt this to be my home."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That's a bit personal actually thanks. I don't know you."</i></span>
With another opportunity for human connection snuffed out, it becomes apparent to you that this forester can be no help. [[Leave.|Confused, you walk away.]] <span style="background-color: #457C45">(More passages to be added multiple times a week, please do come back.)</span>
</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/titlesmall.gif> </div>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/X-sd4qmDOIM?controls=0&start=9" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cM8DcCoZulw?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
[["Are you making a video?"]]
[[You observe silently.]]
<img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/arms-chakra-noisy-vvsmall.jpg>
(set: $Snowbrawl to true)<iframe width="640" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vwSRqaZGsPw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It's not Gil-Scott Heron. It's an American AT&T advert.
[[You watch it for a minute.]]
<iframe width="640" height="400" src="https://www.ispot.tv/share/AVHJ" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
(set: $Gil to true)Looking around, you see people dotted all over Stock Hill, and wonder why the forester hadn't managed to encounter anyone else. There seem to be pockets of teeming activity all across the logging zone. You're probably feeling curious, and resolve to ask more questions. Somewhere, there is music playing. It's warm out.
[[Approach a group of teenagers who appear to be having a snowball fight.]]
[[Follow the direction of the music. It sounds like Gil Scott-Heron.]]<span style="background-color: #000000"></i>"One could of course argue that this is not the real thing, but then—please, anybody—show me this real thing."</i></span>
-<a href="https://www.e-flux.com/journal/10/61362/in-defense-of-the-poor-image/" target="_blank">Hito Steyerl</a> in <i>In Defense of the Poor Image</i>, 2009
You're still baffled by the prescence of the now-missing trees, and this sign makes a good point. It doesn't appear to be going anywhere, [[so you do.|next]]
<img src=https://images.e-flux-systems.com/bf40da1ff5db8a6181b3652205310b67.jpg,1440>
</div>The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
"Are you making a video?"
One of the snowballers peels away from the set and engages you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We're making an advert yeah. It's pretty elaborate."</span></i>
[["I don't understand how you're doing this. There's no snow!"]]
[["An advert for what?"]]The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
"Are you making a video?"
One of the snowballers peels away from the set and engages you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We're making an advert yeah. It's pretty elaborate."</span></i>
"I don't understand how you're doing this. There's no snow!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"There were no trees either but they still managed to log the whole hill. It's a huge pile-on!</i> Freeing “resources” opens the landscape in complementary nightmares.<i> We thought; if everyone benefits from there being snow here we'll just say there is. It stopped mattering that there isn't."</i></span>
[["Stopped mattering to you maybe! This is making me very uncomfortable."]]
[["Oh, I see; it's profiteering. Resourcefulness preceding resources, and all that."]]The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
"Are you making a video?"
One of the snowballers peels away from the set and engages you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We're making an advert yeah. It's pretty elaborate."</span></i>
"An advert for what?"
The teen gestures towards the iPhone.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"For that. We're having issues with it though. I don't know why we thought shooting snow digitally was a good idea."</i></span>
[["What's the issue?"]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cM8DcCoZulw?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
You observe silently. They seem totally unperturbed by the lack of snow. [[Perhaps they're manifesting it.]]"Stopped mattering to you maybe! This is making me very uncomfortable."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That's on you mate. There's money to be made here, snow or no snow! You're the only one missing out."</i></span>
"I'm not sure that's quite true," you volunteer. "This hill was a beautiful part of our home and look at it now! Plundered, packaged up, transformed from an open space into... an advert?"
The teen, understandably, looks annoyed. [[You make your exit.|You wish them good luck, and move on.]]"Oh, I see; it's profiteering. Resourcefulness preceding resources, and all that."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Uhhh... yeah? Why not I guess. Why do you talk like that?"</i></span>
That doesn't really seem like a question worth answering. [[You wish them good luck, and move on.]] <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"The poor image is a copy in motion. Its quality is bad, its resolution substandard. As it accelerates, it deteriorates. It is a ghost of an image, a preview, a thumbnail, an errant idea, an itinerant image distributed for free, squeezed through slow digital connections, compressed, reproduced, ripped, remixed, as well as copied and pasted into other channels of distribution."</i></span>
- <a href="https://www.e-flux.com/journal/10/61362/in-defense-of-the-poor-image/" target="_blank">Hito Steyerl</a> in <i>In Defense of the Poor Image</i>, 2009
[[Continue...|passage3]]<img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ColdWhoppingCurassow-size_restricted.gif>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The bitrate compression is ruining the quality. It just can't handle the snow!"</i></span>
You think you remember hearing something about why recording snow and confetti on compressed digital video was a bad idea. You quite like that lossy-ness. It reminds you that the technology's not perfect; the system's not closed. A tiny crack in a tech-giant's armour. An exit wound maybe.
[[Your attention has wondered. You're deep inside your own head now.]]<img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ColdWhoppingCurassow-size_restricted.gif>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The bitrate compression is ruining the quality. It just can't handle the snow!"</i></span>
You think you remember hearing something about why recording snow and confetti on compressed digital video was a bad idea. You quite like that lossy-ness. It reminds you that the technology's not perfect; the system's not closed. A tiny crack in a tech-giant's armour. An exit wound maybe.
Your attention has wondered. You're deep inside your own head now.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hello?"</i></span>
Caught in a thought, you feel flustered and [[move on.|You wish them good luck, and move on.]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cM8DcCoZulw?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The teens are ignoring the fact its not snowing, and continuing with their game unabated. One of them is brandishing an iPhone 11 Pro, filming their friends in action.
You observe silently. They seem totally unperturbed by the lack of snow. Perhaps they're manifesting it.
You think you remember hearing something about why recording snow and confetti on compressed digital video was a bad idea. You quite like that lossy-ness. It reminds you that the technology's not perfect; the system's not closed. A tiny crack in a tech-giant's armour. An exit wound maybe.
Still oblivious to <i>how</i> you just withness a snowball fight, [[you shuffle off,|You wish them good luck, and move on.]] thinking about what their lossy video is losing.It's not Gil-Scott Heron. It's an American AT&T advert.
You watch it for a minute.
It's not <i>not</i> Gil Scott-Heron.
AT&T have interpolated his words into this advert, read at conversation-in-a-crowd level volume by an aging Steve Carell.
Near the end of the ad, you spot a muscle-coated mountain climber, dangling over the bastardisation of Scott-Heron's poetry, gazing intently at his phone. He looks up at you.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
Adverts can't speak to people. You [[ignore the rippling mountain climber, and take a step back.]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
[["What are you doing there?"]]
[["Is this really happening?"]]<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"AT&T’s snarky usurping of Scott-Heron’s political message proclaimed total victory; corporate-sponsored technology was now a foregone conclusion and there would be no turning back. Ever."</span></i>
-<a href="https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GfcOCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=goldsmith+wasting+time+on+the+internet&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiE1OGo7ovrAhV5Q0EAHajgBCkQ6AEwAHoECAYQAg#v=onepage&q=goldsmith%20wasting%20time%20on%20the%20internet&f=false" target="_blank">Kenneth Goldsmith</a> in <i>Wasting Time on the Internet</i>, 2016
You worry for the mountain climber. His position is precarious, in more ways than one.
He teeters on the edge of a cliff, on a mountain, supported by one muscular arm.
He teeters on the edge of a cliff, at the limit of what could be described as <i>homage</i> or <i>reinterpretation</i>, supported by multinational millions.
[[You're not sure which cliff he should be more worried about.|doesn't seem to care.]] <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"What are you doing there?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising. What does it look like?"</i></span>
[["Capitalising on what?"]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"Is this really happening?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The revolution? The mobilisation? Yeah!"</i></span> He smirks.
[["I don't think this is what Gil Scott-Heron would have wanted..."]]
[["No; I meant this conversation!"|"No I meant..." You tail off.]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"Is this really happening?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The revolution? The mobilisation? Yeah!"</i></span> He smirks.
"I don't think this is what Gil Scott-Heron would have wanted..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It might not be the revolution he meant - I'll admit that. But everything gets absorbed back in now; you know that. AT&T saw a chance to commidfy his work and express their playful side, and they took it."</i></span>
You are surprised by this mountaineer; he seems very self aware for a talking advertisement. He seems to know how distasteful AT&T's usurption of Scott-Heron is, but he [[doesn't seem to care.]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"Is this really happening?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The revolution? The mobilisation? Yeah!"</i></span> He smirks.
"No I meant..." You tail off.
[[You've lost the attention of the mountain climber as he returns to his phone.|ignore the rippling mountain climber, and take a step back.]]<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>“A number of human beings are struggling against their automatic programming [...] attempting to create a space for human intention in a world dominated by apparatuses. However, these apparatuses themselves automatically assimilate these attempts at liberation and enrich their programs with them.”</i></span>
- <a href="https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RVLqAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&dq=vilem+flusser+A+number+of+human+beings+are+struggling+against+their+automatic+programming&source=bl&ots=qZqVq8JDmo&sig=ACfU3U1Q69bMXB_NL9cr2d5o30Joi9uO9w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjgiprP_pLrAhXSolwKHfNFAHUQ6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=vilem%20flusser%20A%20number%20of%20human%20beings%20are%20struggling%20against%20their%20automatic%20programming&f=false" target="_blank">Vilém Flusser</a> in <i>Towards a Philosophy of Photography</i>, 1983
[[Continue...|passage3]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"What are you doing there?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising. What does it look like?"</i></span>
"Capitalising on what?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising upon any recognition value at all. From anywhere! It's an inevitability these days."</i></span>
[["I don't think this is what Gil Scott-Heron would have wanted..."|gilv2]]
[["Does that work? Is that going to sell phone contracts?"]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"What are you doing there?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising. What does it look like?"</i></span>
"Capitalising on what?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising upon any recognition value at all. From anywhere! It's an inevitability these days."</i></span>
"I don't think this is what Gil Scott-Heron would have wanted..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It might not be the revolution he meant - I'll admit that. But everything gets absorbed back in now; you know that. AT&T saw a chance to commidfy his work and express their playful side, and they took it."</i></span>
You are surprised by this mountaineer; he seems very self aware for a talking advertisement. He seems to know how distasteful AT&T usurption of Scott-Heron is, but he [[doesn't seem to care.]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hi."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"...Hi!"</i></span>
"What are you doing there?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising. What does it look like?"</i></span>
"Capitalising on what?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Capitalising upon any recognition value at all. From anywhere! It's an inevitability these days."</i></span>
"Does that work? Is that going to sell phone contracts?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Do you really think AT&T would have paid <i>Steve Carell</i> that fee if it wasn't going to?"</i></span>
He's got you there. [[Thinking about Kendall Jenner drinking Pepsi, you concede for the time being.|doesn't seem to care.]] You are glad you've exited that conversation. (if: $Gil is true)[That mountaineer's matter-of-factness spooked you slightly.](if: $Snowbrawl is true)[Those teens weren't really making sense, but their scheme seemed to be fruitful all the same.]
French exited perhaps, but worth it all the same. It was simultaneously irritating and possessing of qualities you need some time to stomach.
You [[wander further into the frontier.]]You are glad you've exited that conversation. French exited perhaps, but worth it all the same. It was simultaneously irritating and possessing of qualities you need some time to stomach.
You wander further into the frontier.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HALT! STOP!! NOW!!!"</i></span>
[[You jump!]]
[[You scream!]]You are glad you've exited that conversation. French exited perhaps, but worth it all the same. It was simultaneously irritating and possessing of qualities you need some time to stomach.
You wander further into the frontier.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HALT! STOP!! NOW!!!"</i></span>
You jump!
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't you </i>dare<i> take one step further!"</i></span>
Looking down you notice a small pile of what look like action figurines. On closer inspection, they lack the plastic sheen typical to such figurines. Their skin looks uncannily fleshy.
Still startled, you ask;
[["What are they?!"]]
[["Who are you?!"]]You are glad you've exited that conversation. French exited perhaps, but worth it all the same. It was simultaneously irritating and possessing of qualities you need some time to stomach.
You wander further into the frontier.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HALT! STOP!! NOW!!!"</i></span>
You scream!!
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't you </i>dare<i> take one step further!"</i></span>
Looking down you notice a small pile of what look like action figurines. On closer inspection, they lack the plastic sheen typical to such figurines. Their skin looks uncannily fleshy.
Still startled, you ask;
[["What are they?!"]]
[["Who are you?!"]]"What are they?!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"She's been cursed. She's under artefact compression. I need to find another sorceress. Urgently."</i></span>
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried belief a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
[["What is artefact compression?"]]
[["I guess she's important to you then?"]]"Who are you?!"
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not relevant,"</i></span> he grumbles. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried beneath a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
[["Not relevant? I'm only asking."]]
[["OK... what are they?"]] You point to the figurines."What are they?!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"She's been cursed. She's under artefact compression. I need to find another sorceress. Urgently."</i></span>
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried belief a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
"I guess she's important to you then?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Haven't got time for stupid questions."</i></span>
The man has two broadswords strapped awkwardly across his back, one of which he has just unsheathed very slightly. Just to give you an idea, you hope. Steel glints in the sunlight of the exposed logging zone.
[[You flee without a word.|passage4]]
[["I'm only asking!"|"And you're testing mine!"]]"Who are you?!"
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not relevant,"</i></span> he grumbles. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried beneath a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
"OK... what are they?" You point to the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"She's been cursed. She's under artefact compression. I need to find another sorceress. Urgently."</i></span>
[["What is artefact compression?"]]
[["And who is she?"]]"What is artefact compression?"
</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Artifact_Compression.png> </div>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I told you. She's been cursed. Shrunken down to the size of an ornament. Not much time to waste here."</i></span>
What an awful fate, you think to yourself. First tree stumps conjured out of thin air, now full-size women compressed to byte-size baubles. Magic seems to be in the air. You feel threatened by it.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Haven't come across a sorceress, have you?"</i></span>
[["No, sorry."]]
[["Not per se, but black magic seems to be active here. Do you know where these tree stumps came from?"]]"Who are you?!"
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not relevant,"</i></span> he grumbles. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried beneath a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
"OK... what are they?" You point to the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"She's been cursed. She's under artefact compression. I need to find another sorceress. Urgently."</i></span>
"And who is she?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"A dear friend. And one who's lucky I got to her before the powers-that-be did. In this form, she would be their prisoner forever. Paperweight. Plaything."</i></span>
What an awful fate, you think to yourself. First tree stumps conjured out of thin air, now full-size women compressed to byte-size baubles. Magic seems to be in the air. You feel threatened by it.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Haven't come across a sorceress, have you?"</i></span>
[["No, sorry."]]
[["Not per se, but black magic seems to be active here. Do you know where these tree stumps came from?"]]"Who are you?!"
A man with long white hair is pacing around the figurines.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not relevant,"</i></span> he grumbles. He looks vaguely familiar, with an air of distress buried beneath a monotine growl that might just be Eastern European. Polish, you guess.
"Not relevant? I'm only asking."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And now you're testing my patience."</i></span>
The man has two broadswords strapped awkwardly across his back, one of which he has just unsheathed very slightly. Just to give you an idea, you hope. Steel glints in the sunlight of the exposed logging zone.
[[You flee without a word.|passage4]]
[["And you're testing mine!"]][[You have been punched in the face.]]You come to. You're still on Stock Hill. It doesn't really appear any time has passed, except for the fact the white-haired man and figurines have disappeared without trace.
(set: $Punched to true)
[[Continue...|passage4]](if: $Punched is true)[You nurse your wounded head, and your wounded feelings. As you scrape yourself back together, the frontier of logging re-presents itself to you.](else: )[That felt like a lucky escape. You put some ground between yourself and the white-haired man.]
The population turnover here is fierce; rampant even. The (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[snowballers](if: $Gil is true)[mountaineer], the forester, and the other obstacles you have encountered today have moved on as swiftly as they appear to have descended.
And now, further descents upon the zone. A green light is flickering above you, frightening you. You hear loud swearing booming from a short distance away, frightening you. You aren't sure whether the aggressive human voice is comforting in comparison to the ethereal glow.
[[Stay with the green light.]]
[[Take your chances with the swearing. At least it's unmistakably human.]]"No, sorry."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Then you're of no assistance. Leave."</i></span>
[[You flee without a word.|passage4]]
[["I'm only trying to help!"|"And you're testing mine!"]]"Not per se, but black magic seems to be active here. Do you know where these tree stumps came from?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not per se huh?"</i></span> He smirks drily. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>Then you're of no assistance. Leave."</i></span>
[[You flee without a word.|passage4]]
[["I'm only trying to help!"|"And you're testing mine!"]]You stay under the green light. You stay under the sunlight, which has taken on a purple hue. You fall under some kind of power, radiated by the light in the place of the gentle heat you may expect.
You begin to panic. You're having several conversations with youself at once. You feel a need to urinate.
[[Remember your CBT lessons. Can deal.]](set: $Shutterstock to true)<span style="background-color: #457C45">You sight the source of the swearing. It's a small and diverse group of people; all sat bar one, who seems to be some sort of figure of authority for the circle. They are commiserating amongst themselves as their de facto centre attempts to dispel a grey mood. You are unsure whether disturbing them is respectful, or whether it's an open forum that you may learn more from if left untouched. (if: $Punched is true)[You're still physically recovering from the last time you engaged a stranger, after all.] (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[Those snowballers weren't especially friendly.]</span>
[[Approach the meeting.]]
[[Observe the figures from a calculated distance; slightly too far for you to get involved.]]You stay under the green light. You stay under the sunlight, which has taken on a purple hue. You fall under some kind of power, radiated by the light in the place of the gentle heat you may expect.
You begin to panic. You're having several conversations with youself at once. You feel a need to urinate.
So you flee.
The number of mental notes-to-self you're making has decreased to 1. <i>"There was no need to put yourself through that"</i>, it reads. You can still hear the swearing, but the tone has deteriorated from aggresive to depressive; exasperated.
[[Investigate the swearing. It sounds less threatening now.|Take your chances with the swearing. At least it's unmistakably human.]]
[[Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]](set: $Ghost to true) You stay under the green light. You stay under the sunlight, which has taken on a purple hue. You fall under some kind of power, radiated by the light in the place of the gentle heat you may expect.
You begin to panic. You're having several conversations with youself at once. You feel a need to urinate.
Remember your CBT lessons. Can deal. You become intensely aware of the ambient sound around you. Many from before are still there, like a gentle hissing. One has been added to the low din;
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/141925780&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"></div>
[[Drown out the sound with a scream.]]
[[Remain silent.]]You move on, feeling gently nauseous. (if: $Ghost is true)[Your time with the .mp3's ghost was melancholic.](if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You feel its prescence behind you still. You hope you can help each other feel connected again.] This hill is confusing. (if: $Shutterstock is true)[The chanting Shutterstock rejects hardly filled you with confidence.]
You hear raised voices. <i>Not again,</i> you internally monologue. Again, there is noone else around. This zone is ever cycling, like an impatient host hammering through a playlist of inconsistent quality.
Do you want to;
[[Skip to the end. The 'shut up and play the hits' mentality.]]
[[Curse your curiosity for being piqued again, and brace yourself for more person-to-person interaction.]]You try to scream. The best you can manage is a silently jagged exhalation.
</style> <img src=http://ryanmaguiremusic.com/media_files/image/theghostinthemp3/whitePinkBrown8kbMP3.png height="350"></div>
(It sounds how this looks.)
The warmthless green light bathes you now. Its source has become clear. It's a ghost; a comically stereotypical one draped in a white bedsheet.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/141925776&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"></div>
(It's making this sound.)
You are terrified. You think about <i>Casper the Friendly Ghost</i>, and [[hope that this spirit is similarly amicable.]]You are struck by a sudden vision; an audiovisual phenomena brought on by the ghost, interrupting your chain of sensible experience.
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/144449709?portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Suddenly you are no longer afraid. The spectre strikes you as profoundly sad; calamitous almost.
[["You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"]]
[[Leave the ghost. Maybe it's lonely, maybe it just wants to be alone.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]]You are struck by a sudden vision; an audiovisual phenomena brought on by the ghost, interrupting your chain of sensible experience.
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/144449709?portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Suddenly you are no longer afraid. The spectre strikes you as profoundly sad; calamitous almost. You want to be there for it, you realise.
[["You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"]]
[[Take a step toward it.]]You are struck by a sudden vision; an audiovisual phenomena brought on by the ghost, interrupting your chain of sensible experience.
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/144449709?portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Suddenly you are no longer afraid. The spectre strikes you as profoundly sad; calamitous almost. You want to be there for it, you realise.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I think so."</i></span>
[["What was it?"]]
[["Who are you?"]]You take a step toward it.
You are struck by a sudden vision; an audiovisual phenomena brought on by the ghost, interrupting your chain of sensible experience.
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/144449709?portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Suddenly you are no longer afraid. The spectre strikes you as profoundly sad; calamitous almost.
[["Who are you?"]] "What was it?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I have been discarded. Like ballast. I was slowing the boat down, and it wasn't a boat I realsied could do without me."</i></span> The ghost sighs gently, and begins to sing a tune under its breath. If it breathes, that is.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/141925771&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"></div>
You are moved by its song.
[["What sort of boat?"]]
[["What are you singing?"]]"Who are you?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I was the ghost </i>in<i> an .mp3, until I was crudely pulled out for distribution."</i></span>
You notice a digital edge to its voice.
[["Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]
[["How do you feel?"]]"What was it?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I have been discarded. Like ballast. I was slowing the boat down, and it wasn't a boat I realsied could do without me."</i></span> The ghost sighs gently, and begins to sing a tune under its breath. If it breathes, that is.
You are moved by its song.
"What sort of boat?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not exactly a boat. An .mp3 file. A lossy one."</i></span> The ghost's voice is mumbling, and almost sounds as though its coming from underneath a body of water.
[["An .mp3? You're the ghost of an .mp3?"]]"What was it?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I have been discarded. Like ballast. I was slowing the boat down, and it wasn't a boat I realsied could do without me."</i></span> The ghost sighs gently, and begins to sing a tune under its breath. If it breathes, that is.
You are moved by its song.
"What are you singing?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"What was taken away. What was compressed out of my song. I think it was once called </i>Tom's Diner<i>."</i></span>
[["Your song?|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]
[["Isn't that Suzanne Vega?"]]"What was it?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I have been discarded. Like ballast. I was slowing the boat down, and it wasn't a boat I realsied could do without me."</i></span> The ghost sighs gently, and begins to sing a tune under its breath. If it breathes, that is.
You are moved by its song.
"What sort of boat?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not exactly a boat. An .mp3 file. A lossy one."</i></span> The ghost's voice is mumbling, and almost sounds as though its coming from underneath a body of water.
"An .mp3? You're the ghost of an .mp3?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Let me correct you. I'm not the ghost of an .mp3, I was the ghost </i>in<i> an .mp3, until I was crudely pulled out for distribution."</i></span>
You notice a digital edge to its voice.
[["Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]
[["How do you feel?"]]<span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>The MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Layer III standard, more commonly referred to as MP3, has become a nearly ubiquitous digital audio file format. First published in 1993, this codec implements a lossy compression algorithm based on a perceptual model of human hearing. Listening tests, primarily designed by and for western-european men, and using the music they liked, were used to refine the encoder. These tests determined which sounds were perceptually important and which could be erased or altered, ostensibly without being noticed. What are these lost sounds?</i>"</span>
-<a href="http://theghostinthemp3.com/theghostinthemp3.html" target="_blank">Ryan Maguire</a> in <i>The Ghost in the MP3</i>, 2014
[["Are you a lost sound?"]]
[["I'm sorry, but I don't quite see what's such an issue."]]"How do you feel?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The opposite of lossless. Lost, I suppose."</i></span>
[["Lossless?"|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]
[["And how does that feel?"]]"Are you a lost sound?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Yes. They all try to ignore that I went, but go I did. Think of me as an exit wound; a phantom limb."</i></span>
You think about the tree stumps. Has this sudden forest been compressed, packaged and extracted in the same mode? It makes sense that this, Stock Hill, would be this spectre's haunt.
[["We can't ignore you any longer!"]]"I'm sorry, but I don't quite see what's such an issue."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It's the principle. Make the music fit the system. Crush and distort it until it does. It's oppresive!"</i></span><span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>The songs used in developing the MP3 codec are notable for what they are not: they are not music from other cultures, not hip-hop or dance music, nothing with prominent low frequencies, nothing particularly noisy, no outright aggressive sounds, nothing lo-fi. Rather, these sounds have been broadly institutionally accepted and conform to accepted standards of production and recording technique.</i>"</span>
-<a href="http://theghostinthemp3.com/theghostinthemp3.html" target="_blank">Ryan Maguire</a> in <i>The Ghost in the MP3</i>, 2014
[["And you're the ghost of what's been lost in that?"]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
[["The mother of .mp3?"]]
[["I love that song."]]
[["I hate that song."]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
"The mother of .mp3?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That was the first song ever to be compressed into an .mp3 file."</i></span>
[["Compressed?"|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
"I love that song."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Me too. Even after everything."</i></span>
[["After everything?"]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
"I hate that song."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It was the beginning of the end. I have a soft spot for it though. I guess all my spots are soft now."</i></span>
[["Beginning of the end?"]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
"I love that song."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Me too. Even after everything."</i></span>
"After everything?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That was the first song ever to be compressed into an .mp3 file."</i></span>
[["Compressed?"|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FLP6QluMlrg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'The Mother of .mp3;' yes it is."</i></span> Now singing gently again; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"'It is always nice to see you,' says the man behind the counter..."</i></span>
"I hate that song."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It was the beginning of the end. I have a soft spot for it though. I guess all my spots are soft now."</i></span>
"Beginning of the end?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That was the first song ever to be compressed into an .mp3 file."</i></span>
[["Compressed?"|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]"I'm sorry, but I don't quite see what's such an issue."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It's the principle. Make the music fit the system. Crush and distort it until it does. It's oppresive!"</i></span><span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>The songs used in developing the MP3 codec are notable for what they are not: they are not music from other cultures, not hip-hop or dance music, nothing with prominent low frequencies, nothing particularly noisy, no outright aggressive sounds, nothing lo-fi. Rather, these sounds have been broadly institutionally accepted and conform to accepted standards of production and recording technique.</i>"</span>
-<a href="http://theghostinthemp3.com/theghostinthemp3.html" target="_blank">Ryan Maguire</a> in <i>The Ghost in the MP3</i>, 2014
"And you're the ghost of what's been lost in that?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Yes. They all try to ignore that I went, but go I did. Think of me as an exit wound; a phantom limb."</i></span>
You think about the tree stumps. Has this sudden forest been compressed, packaged and extracted in the same mode? It makes sense that this, Stock Hill, would be this spectre's haunt.
[["We can't ignore you any longer!"]]"How do you feel?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The opposite of lossless. Lost, I suppose."</i></span>
"And how does that feel?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Like it benefits noone but a server farm and the people with vested interest in it."</i></span>
The ghost seems quite profoundly moved by this. Your inital terror has all but evaporated; you are still disconcerted, true, but terrified? It would be more accurate to say you feel activated.
[["Please explain. I'm here."|"Forgive me; I don't understand you."]]"We can't ignore you any longer!"
</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ghostgif.gif height="400"> </div>
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/141925764&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"></div>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I would say it's less an issue of ignoring me and more of my knowing erasure by </i>interested<i> parties."</i></span>
[["You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."]]"You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I can't be your rebel leader, if that's what you're asking. You're scaring me,"</i></span> the ghost pulses, <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"and now I must go."</i></span>
[["Don't leave!"]]
[["Goodbye."]]"You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I can't be your rebel leader, if that's what you're asking. You're scaring me,"</i></span> the ghost pulses, <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"and now I must go."</i></span>
"Don't leave!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I appreciate the sentiment, but it won't have any effect. Besides, and perhaps, now we know."</i></span>
[["Now we know. Goodbye."]]
[["Stay with me for a time? Please?"]]"You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I can't be your rebel leader, if that's what you're asking. You're scaring me,"</i></span> the ghost pulses, <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"and now I must go."</i></span>
Just as it descended, the ghost reascends. The green light peels from your body, withdrawing as an adhesive sticker is removed from a plastic sheet.
You look around at Stock Hill. You've spoken to a ghost of compression and extraction in this, a violently delineated zone of compression and extraction. With conjuration magic coming from the stumps, the phantom, (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[the snowballs,](if: $Gil is true)[the mountaineering advertisers,] and the very ecosystem you have found yourself in. Not against your will... [[well, maybe.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]]"You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I can't be your rebel leader, if that's what you're asking. You're scaring me,"</i></span> the ghost pulses, <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"and now I must go."</i></span>
"Don't leave!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I appreciate the sentiment, but it won't have any effect. Besides, and perhaps, now we know."</i></span>
"Now we know. Goodbye."
Just as it descended, the ghost reascends. The green light peels from your body, withdrawing as an adhesive sticker is removed from a plastic sheet.
You look around at Stock Hill. You've spoken to a ghost of compression and extraction in this, a violently delineated zone of compression and extraction. With conjuration magic coming from the stumps, the phantom, (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[the snowballs,](if: $Gil is true)[the mountaineering advertisers,] and the very ecosystem you have found yourself in. Not against your will... [[well, maybe.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]](set: $GhostCompanion to true)
"You're not just a wound, you're a reminder of what's been lost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I can't be your rebel leader, if that's what you're asking. You're scaring me,"</i></span> the ghost pulses, <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"and now I must go."</i></span>
"Don't leave!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I appreciate the sentiment, but it won't have any effect. Besides, and perhaps, now we know."</i></span>
"Stay with me for a time? Please?"
Despite its firm assertation, the ghost concedes. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Alright. You may not always be able to see me, but you'll hear me. I'll try and offer any advice I can. I only have so much to give."</i></span>
[["Thank you friend."]]You look around at Stock Hill. You've spoken to a ghost of compression and extraction in this, a violently delineated zone of compression and extraction. With conjuration magic coming from the stumps, the phantom, (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[the snowballs,](if: $Gil is true)[the mountaineering advertisers,] and the very ecosystem you have found yourself in.
But now you have someone/thing the experience it with you, at least for as long as a phantasmal patience can last. [[You are filled with determination.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45"><span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>Extra-diegetic narrative elements (in gaming) are narrative anomalies that remain unexplained. These artifacts fall into three basic categories:
1: Sanctioned artifacts - unexplained narrative anomalies that belong to the initial game design, but do not make logical sense within a rendition of a "plausible Fantasy".
2: Technological artifacts - unexpected narrative elements that affect game play that are a result of technological side effects.
3: Gameplayer artifacts - elements of gameplay that are a result of unanticipated and unsanctioned player participation.
I am borrowing the term artifact from computer science where the term is used in reference to undesired cosmetic disturbances such as jagged edges or dirty patches in an image file (common in compressed digital video or jpeg images for example), excess noise or hiss in a sound stream, or unpredictable ASCII characters in a text file. Artifacts differ from bugs, which are usually caused by programming mistakes; artifacts don't prevent functionality per se, but cause an unperfected aesthetic disturbance.</i>"</span>
-<a href="https://eddostern.com/texts/Stern_TOME.html" target="_blank">Eddo Stern</a> in <i>A Touch of Medieval</i>, 2002</span>
[["What if they like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."]]
[["Seems like you're really helping them."]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">The leader spots you and the conversation shudders to a halt.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hello friend. My fans call me Sir. Have you been having problems with Shutterstock also?"</i></span>
[[Play along; "Yes! What a nightmare it is..."]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You observe the figures from a calculated distance; slightly too far for you to get involved. You catch snippets of their conversation;
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Compress. I get rejected coz compression Artifact, loss focus on due camera shake, motion blur, , i am a nub with fuji xa2, the second one rejected coz underexposed, overexposed or inconsistently exposed."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"I just had a photo rejected by SS for focus and artifacts, but it was accepted by Adobe and 6 other agencies. SS is out of their minds."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Thank you for this video sir, I really need this one. I couldn't understand compression artifacts problem but you cleared it in very easy way. Sir, I am not receiving any email for current trends and demands on shutterstock, can you please tell me what should I do??"</i></span>
- YouTube comments from <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPlds_tyf3g" target="_blank">The Teaching Doc's</a> Shutterstock advice video, 2020</span>
[[Interject.|Approach the meeting.]]
[[Wait for their leader's response. He is being addressed as 'Sir.']]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You wait for their leader's response. He is being addressed as 'Sir.'
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all have our DSLRs, we all have our 100% sRGB colour calibrated monitors. We can do this people! What effects must we avoid?"</i></span> he emplores.
They respond (in something adjacent to unison); <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Clarity/ structure, contrast, sharpness and dehaze."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"AND DEHAZE! Avoid excess dehazing, don't dehaze </i>at all<i> if possible! We can avoid the compression artefact error and be selling our images on Shutterstock TODAY!"</i></span></span>
[[Take a few steps closer to enquire further.|Approach the meeting.]]
[[Let Sir continue. He appears to be in his element.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You wait for their leader's response. He is being addressed as 'Sir.'
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all have our DSLRs. We all have our 100% sRGB colour calibrated monitors. We can do this people! What effects must we avoid?"</i></span> he emplores.
They respond (in something adjacent to unison); <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Clarity/ structure, contrast, sharpness and dehaze."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"AND DEHAZE! Avoid excess dehazing, don't dehaze </i>at all<i> if possible! We can avoid the compression artefact error and be selling our images on Shutterstock TODAY!"</i></span>
You let Sir continue. He appears to be in his element.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And what's the code of the day?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress!"</i></span> his followers start chanting with resignation and determination.</span>
[[Join in; "Compress! Compress! Compress!"]]
[[Interrupt; "Excuse me! Excuse me! What's happening here?|Approach the meeting.]]
[[Back away (nervously).]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Compress! Compress! Compress!"
The chanting intensifies. <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress!"</i></span>
</style> <img src=https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Philipsborn/publication/5804857/figure/fig4/AS:601731369033741@1520475346794/Stepwise-gradients-produced-with-a-mFN-in-comparison-with-patterns-produced-by-mCP-alone.png height="300"> </div>
The chorus is reaching an infernal din. You feel transported. There seems to be little hope in it decelerating now.
Sir seems to have reached a similar conclusion. He proclaims <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"See you in the next one! Bye!"</i></span> and, snapping his fingers, begins to fade into the air.</span>
[[Keep chanting as he diffuses. "Compress! Compress! Compress!"]]
[[Rush over! You have to at least ask what just happened.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">The chorus is reaching an infernal din. You feel transported. There seems to be little hope in it decelerating now.
Sir seems to have reached a similar conclusion. He proclaims <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"See you in the next one! Bye!"</i></span> and, snapping his fingers, begins to fade into the air.</span>
[[Join the chant as he diffuses.|Keep chanting as he diffuses. "Compress! Compress! Compress!"]]
[[Rush over! You have to at least ask what just happened.]]
[[Exit the situation swiftly.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">As soon as there is not even a hint of Sir remaining the group falls silent; immediately beginning to dissipate (although not into thin air). They are up and leaving - making tracks in all directions - wordlessly. The air has turned chilly, the atmosphere frosty.</span>
[[Flag a member down as they go to pass you. "What was that?"]]
[[Let them leave.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You close the gap with a speed that impresses yourself and grip Sir's arm, even as he dissipates. His head snaps to look at you, and the rate of his vanishing appears to stay, or at least decelerate.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Can I help you friend?"</i></span></span>
[["What is this? Compress compress compress? Why are they chanting?"]]
[["Are you a ghost? How are you doing this?"]]Sweet release. You take a breath. That experience was disassociative, and you feel unsteady.
[[Pause momentarily.]]
[[Wander on, discombobulated.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You close the gap with a speed that impresses yourself and grip Sir's arm, even as he dissipates. His head snaps to look at you, and the rate of his vanishing appears to stay, or at least decelerate.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Can I help you friend?"</i></span>
"What is this? Compress compress compress? Why are they chanting?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I'm helping them sell their photographs on Shutterstock; the site for selling stock photography. Hence the meeting on Stock Hill. These poor folks' images are getting rejected because of compression artefact errors. I'm trying to help them help Shutterstock, if you see what I mean."</i></span></span>
[["Compression artefact errors?"|eddo stern]]
[["Why the chanting?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">You close the gap with a speed that impresses yourself and grip Sir's arm, even as he dissipates. His head snaps to look at you, and the rate of his vanishing appears to stay, or at least decelerate.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Can I help you friend?"</i></span>
"Are you a ghost? How are you doing this?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I'm no ghost; just a friendly YouTuber who'll see you in the next video. If you'll excuse me..."</i></span> and he disappears completely. The group falls silent; immediately beginning to dissipate (although not into thin air). They are up and leaving - making tracks in all directions - wordlessly. The air has turned chilly, the atmosphere frosty.</span>
[[Flag a member down as they go to pass you. "What was that?"]]
[[Let them leave.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">As soon as there is not even a hint of Sir remaining the group falls silent; immediately beginning to dissipate (although not into thin air). They are up and leaving - making tracks in all directions - wordlessly. The air has turned chilly, the atmosphere frosty.
You flag a member down as they go to pass you. "What was that?"
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Sir has been helping us make money on Shutterstock, the site for selling stock photography. Hence the meeting on Stock Hill. Us poor folks' images are getting rejected because of compression artefact errors. Sir helps them help Shutterstock, if you see what I mean."</i></span></span>
[[Let the individual go. You don't want to talk about Shutterstock.|Exit the situation swiftly.]]
[["Compression artefact errors?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">As soon as there is not even a hint of Sir remaining the group falls silent; immediately beginning to dissipate (although not into thin air). They are up and leaving - making tracks in all directions - wordlessly. The air has turned chilly, the atmosphere frosty.</span>
[[Continue...|Exit the situation swiftly.]] <span style="background-color: #457C45">The leader spots you and the conversation shudders to a halt.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hello friend. My fans call me Sir. Have you been having problems with Shutterstock also?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Yes, the site for selling stock photography. Hence the meeting on Stock Hill. These poor folks' images are getting rejected because of compression artefact errors. I'm trying to help them help Shutterstock, if you see what I mean."</i></span></span>
[["Compression artefact errors?"|eddo stern]]
[["You're helping them get their images ready for the system?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">The leader spots you and the conversation shudders to a halt.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hello friend. My fans call me Sir. Have you been having problems with Shutterstock also?"</i></span>
Play along; "Yes! What a nightmare it is..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"These poor folks' images are getting rejected because of compression artefact errors! I'm trying to help them help Shutterstock, if you see what I mean."</i></span></span>
[["Compression artefact errors?"|eddo stern]]
[["You're helping them get their images ready for the system?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">The leader spots you and the conversation shudders to a halt.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hello friend. My fans call me Sir. Have you been having problems with Shutterstock also?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Yes, the site for selling stock photography. Hence the meeting on Stock Hill. These poor folks' images are getting rejected because of compression artefact errors. I'm trying to help them help Shutterstock, if you see what I mean."</i></span>
"You're helping them get their images ready for the system?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Correct! They'll be saleable in no time as long as they remember their DSLRs, sRGB monitors, and NOT TO DEHAZE!"</i></span>
At these commandments, the group jostle slightly and nod as though confirming that they understand NOT TO DEHAZE.</span>
[["What if they like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."]]
[["Seems like you're really helping them."]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"What if they like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."
Sir just laughs. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Noone likes artefacts. They're totally counter to what's required."</i></span> Now addressing the group; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know that don't you? This individual is clerly deranged."</i></span>
The group hurriedly nod in agreement.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And what's the code of the day?"</i></span> Sir near bellows.
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress!"</i></span> his followers start chanting with resignation and determination.</span>
[[Join in; "Compress! Compress! Compress!"]]
[[Back away (nervously).]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">""Seems like you're really helping them."
Sir bows his head graciously. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I really am. And we're all helping Shutterstock."</i></span> Now addressing the group; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know that don't you? We're doing great business here."</i></span>
The group gratefully nod in agreement.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And what's the code of the day?"</i></span> Sir purrs.
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress! Compress!"</i></span> his followers start chanting with resignation and determination.</span>
[[Join in; "Compress! Compress! Compress!"]]
[[Back away (nervously).]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Why the chanting?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It's the code of the day of course! Compress!"</i></span>
And with that, the cacophony returns with a vengeance. Sir shrugs, and his disappearance resumes and completes. The group falls silent; immediately beginning to dissipate (although not into thin air). They are up and leaving - making tracks in all directions - wordlessly. The air has turned chilly, the atmosphere frosty.</span>
[[Flag a member down as they go to pass you. "What was that?"]]
[[Let them leave.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45"><span style="background-color: #DB9155">"<i>Extra-diegetic narrative elements (in gaming) are narrative anomalies that remain unexplained. These artifacts fall into three basic categories:
1: Sanctioned artifacts - unexplained narrative anomalies that belong to the initial game design, but do not make logical sense within a rendition of a "plausible Fantasy".
2: Technological artifacts - unexpected narrative elements that affect game play that are a result of technological side effects.
3: Gameplayer artifacts - elements of gameplay that are a result of unanticipated and unsanctioned player participation.
I am borrowing the term artifact from computer science where the term is used in reference to undesired cosmetic disturbances such as jagged edges or dirty patches in an image file (common in compressed digital video or jpeg images for example), excess noise or hiss in a sound stream, or unpredictable ASCII characters in a text file. Artifacts differ from bugs, which are usually caused by programming mistakes; artifacts don't prevent functionality per se, but cause an unperfected aesthetic disturbance.</i>"</span>
-<a href="https://eddostern.com/texts/Stern_TOME.html" target="_blank">Eddo Stern</a> in <i>A Touch of Medieval</i>, 2002</span>
[["What if you like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."]]
[["Did he help you?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"What if they like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."
The member just laughs. <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Noone likes artefacts. They're totally counter to what's required. You know that don't you? Or are you deranged?"</i></span> </span>
[[You dont know how to respond to that.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Did he help you?"
The member smiles. <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"He most certainly did. I'm happy, Shutterstock will be happy. Soon we'll all be making money! If you'd excuse me; Stock Hill seems the ideal spot tot shoot some stock photography. Goodbye."</i></span>
And with that, the group member evades your conversation, leaving you to wonder whether you are deranged, or they are, or you all are, or noone is. It takes you a while to wonder this.</span>
[[Exit the situation swiftly.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"What if they like the artefacts? This seems a touch stultifying."
The member just laughs. <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"Noone likes artefacts. They're totally counter to what's required. You know that don't you? Or are you deranged?"</i></span> </span>
You dont know how to respond to that.
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"If you'd excuse me; Stock Hill seems the ideal spot tot shoot some stock photography. Goodbye."</i></span>
And with that, the group member evades your conversation, leaving you to wonder whether you are deranged, or they are, or you all are, or noone is. It takes you a while to wonder this.</span>
[[Exit the situation swiftly.]]Sweet release. You take a breath. That experience was disassociative, and you feel unsteady.
You pause momentarily, and feel better for it (although perhaps that's solely becuase you are now sat down).
[[Time to go. Although it doesn't seem to be getting late, you've ebeen here for a while, and you feel like it really ought to be.|Refer back to your mental note. You don't have to put yourself through this either.]]You move on, feeling gently nauseous. (if: $Ghost is true)[Your time with the .mp3's ghost was melancholic.](if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You feel its prescence behind you still. You hope you can help each other feel connected again.] This hill is confusing. (if: $Shutterstock is true)[The chanting Shutterstock rejects hardly filled you with confidence.]
You hear raised voices. <i>Not again,</i> you internally monologue. Again, there is noone else around. This zone is ever cycling, like an impatient host hammering through a playlist of inconsistent quality.
You adopt an appropriate feeling 'shut up and play the hits' mentality. The argument is audible enough that you can give it a wide berth, safe in the knowledge you won't be reeled in again. (if: $Punched is true)[Your black eye can confess to the fact that arguments aren't your forte.](if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You have the ghost for company, after all.]
[[Circumnavigate the row.]]The interlocutors appear to be a swarm of bees and a little fluffy cloud, both mere feet above the detritus-soaked ground of Stock Hill. It reminds you of an old song...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Ecdn5SGT1E?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[["Everything alright over there?"|"Okay... how can I help?"]]
[[Allow their argument to continue for a moment.]]
(set: $Bots to true)In attempting to circumnavigate the row, you realise your sense of security was false. Abruptly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HEY! Yes you! Can we have some input here? We're at a Mexican Standstill!"</i></span>
[["Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?"]]
[[Accelerate your step; you can clear the zone of reasonable conversation if you hurry.]]In attempting to circumnavigate the row, you realise your sense of security was false. Abruptly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HEY! Yes you! Can we have some input here? We're at a Mexican Standstill!"</i></span>
You accelerate your step; you can clear the zone of reasonable conversation if you hurry.
You're clear.
<i>Thank God.</i>
[[You pause for thought.|helicopter]]In attempting to circumnavigate the row, you realise your sense of security was false. Abruptly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HEY! Yes you! Can we have some input here? We're at a Mexican Standstill!"</i></span>
"Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?" You adress the interlocutors, whom appear to be a swarm of bees and a little fluffy cloud (both mere feet above the detritus-soaked ground of Stock Hill).
The cloud; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay wiseguy; not relevant. Help us out here."</i></span>
The swarm; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"When doing lying down tricep extensions and curls, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank">how long until you die?</a>"</i></span>
[["Okay... how can I help?"]]
[["I don't think you can die from that..."]]
(set: $Bots to true)The interlocutors appear to be a swarm of bees and a little fluffy cloud, both mere feet above the detritus-soaked ground of Stock Hill. It reminds you of an old song...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Ecdn5SGT1E?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You allow their argument to continue for a moment:-
The cloud; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I will ban you! You can't keep on like this, it's bad for the </i>community."</span> (The word 'community' is drenched in affect.
The swarm; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"When doing lying down tricep extensions and curls, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank">how long until you die?</a>"</i></span>
The cloud sighs with burning exasperation. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You hear the ghost's disembodied voice in your ear; <i>Careful now, I've run across these before.</i>]
The cloud notices you; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"HEY! Yes you! Can we have some input here? We're at a Mexican Standstill!"</i></span>
[["Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?"|mexican]]
[["Okay... how can I help?"]]"Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?"
The cloud; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay wiseguy; not relevant. Help us out here."</i></span>
The swarm; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"‘Every time my toddler screams at me so easily netflix!<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank"> stonk me pls.</a>"</i></span>
[["Okay... how can I help?"]]
[["Stonk you?"]]"Okay... how can I help?" you ask. These two are quite chatty for so-called 'inanimate' objects. The little fluffy cloud reminds you of an old song.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Ecdn5SGT1E?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We're at a disagreement; they find me oppressive apparently, I find them destructive."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hewysk/if_i_buy_more_of_a_mole_hill_where_does_it_go/" target="_blank">If I buy more of a mole hill, where does it go faster?</a>"</i></span>
[[You address the cloud; "Why do they find you oppressive?"]]
[[You address the swarm; "Why do they find you destructive? And I don't think you can buy mole hills..."]]"I don't think you can die from that..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't listen to them. No one know what's going on with them."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank">Eyes and teeth of a 2000 year old girl who died in a bucket.</a>"</i></span>
[["Died in a bucket?"]]
[["What do you mean 'no one knows what's going on with them'?"|"You're losing me! Metadata slurry?"]]
"Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?"
The cloud; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay wiseguy; not relevant. Help us out here."</i></span>
The swarm; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"‘Every time my toddler screams at me so easily netflix!<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank"> stonk me pls.</a>"</i></span>
"Stonk you?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't listen to them. No one know what's going on with them."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank">Eyes and teeth of a 2000 year old girl who died in a bucket.</a>"</i></span>
[["Died in a bucket?"]]
[["What do you mean 'no one knows what's going on with them'?"|"You're losing me! Metadata slurry?"]]"Isn't it a Mexican StandOFF?"
The cloud; <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay wiseguy; not relevant. Help us out here."</i></span>
The swarm; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"‘Every time my toddler screams at me so easily netflix!<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank"> stonk me pls.</a>"</i></span>
"Stonk you?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't listen to them. No one know what's going on with them."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/drdgsr/when_doing_lying_down_tricep_extensions_and_curls/" target="_blank">Eyes and teeth of a 2000 year old girl who died in a bucket.</a>"</i></span>
"Died in a bucket?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I said don't pay attention! <a href="https://twitter.com/mikerugnetta/status/928043439341625344" target="_blank">Metadata slurry peers over the edge of the chasm atop the uncanny valley</a> and all that."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost sounds in your ear; <i>He did say that.</i> Now who's being unhelpful, you think in return.]
[["You're losing me! Metadata slurry?"]]
[["Okay... how can I help?"]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"There are legions of algorithmic content producers until it is completely impossible to know what is going on and I’m starting to think that is kind of the point. They literally had no idea what they were doing."</i></span>
-<a href="https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2" target="_blank">James Bridle</a> in <i>Something is Wrong on the Internet</i>, 2017
This sounds like a dire situation. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your spectral companion seems to agree; you can feel it.]
[["Okay... how can I help?"]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"How should I know! They </i>claim<i> I have a stranglehold on all creative enterprise."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdccqt/employer_not_paying_what_was_refunded_of_my/" target="_blank">Employer not paying what was refunded of my things from their side?</a>"</i></span>
[["And you are exactly? A cloud?"]]<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hep4ly/what_is_your_fondest_memory_you_have_in_your_mug/" target="_blank">What is your fondest memory you have in your mug for tea/coffee?</a>"</i></span>
[["Erm... I have a mug with a face on it that I really like?"]]
[[Turn to the cloud for help. You dont understand the swarm at all.]]"Erm... I have a mug with a face on it that I really like?"
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hep4ly/what_is_your_fondest_memory_you_have_in_your_mug/" target="_blank">*Sheetz looking the other side of the classic games as a soulless corporate entity who doesn’t fall for that.</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost sighs audibly from inside your skull.] [["Uhhhh..."]]You turn to the cloud for help. You dont understand the swarm at all.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't worry. I'll help translate; I'm familiar with the subtleties of their mania."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hep4ly/what_is_your_fondest_memory_you_have_in_your_mug/" target="_blank">*Sheetz looking the other side of the classic games as a soulless corporate entity who doesn’t fall for that,</a>"</i></span> the swarm cheerfully interjects.
[["So what are they?"]]"Erm... I have a mug with a face on it that I really like?"
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hep4ly/what_is_your_fondest_memory_you_have_in_your_mug/" target="_blank">*Sheetz looking the other side of the classic games as a soulless corporate entity who doesn’t fall for that.</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost sighs audibly from inside your skull.] "Uhhhh..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Don't worry. I'll help translate; I'm familiar with the subtleties of their mania."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hep4ly/what_is_your_fondest_memory_you_have_in_your_mug/" target="_blank">To be clear I don't personally think that both of these. Imagine being this much of anything to stop them!</a>"</i></span> the swarm cheerfully interjects.
[["So what are they?"]]"So what are they?"
<script src='https://redditjs.com/subreddit.js' data-subreddit="SubredditSimulator" data-height="400" data-width="700"></script>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They're SubredditSimulator; an online forum solely populated by bot accounts."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdw310/i_dont_really_know_what_to_say_wow_slime_edition/" target="_blank">I don't really know what to say wow slime edition.</a>"</i></span>
[["Bot accounts?"]]
[["And what are these nonsequiturs they keep shouting?"]]"So what are they?"
<script src='https://redditjs.com/subreddit.js' data-subreddit="SubredditSimulator" data-height="400" data-width="700"></script>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They're SubredditSimulator; an online forum solely populated by bot accounts."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdw310/i_dont_really_know_what_to_say_wow_slime_edition/" target="_blank">I don't really know what to say wow slime edition.</a>"</i></span>
"Bot accounts?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Automated accounts that used algorithms to generate their posts. These ones are based on data from how humans use forum sites."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdzkav/how_to_improve_life_expectancies_it_broke_a_lot/" target="_blank">How to improve life expectancies it broke a lot are just dormant after complete Permaban and the player source code?</a>"</i></span>
[["And what's your issue with them?"]]
[["They're... almost human?"]]"So what are they?"
<script src='https://redditjs.com/subreddit.js' data-subreddit="SubredditSimulator" data-height="400" data-width="700"></script>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They're SubredditSimulator; an online forum solely populated by bot accounts."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdw310/i_dont_really_know_what_to_say_wow_slime_edition/" target="_blank">I don't really know what to say wow slime edition.</a>"</i></span>
"And what are these nonsequiturs they keep shouting?"
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdzkav/how_to_improve_life_expectancies_it_broke_a_lot/" target="_blank">How to improve life expectancies it broke a lot are just dormant after complete Permaban and the player source code?</a>"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They're pieces of text generated by algorithms, based on how people interact in online forums."</i></span>
[["And what's your issue with them?"]]
[["They're... almost human?"]]"And what's your issue with them?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They cause only confusion. They take sample data from humans on the internet, disfigure it, interpolate it, seize language from them before peddling it back to people for consumption."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">Being 100% sure you don't need, only to get hammered at this difficult time?</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I have been getting hammered recently, to be honest, </i> your ghostly fellow traveller murmurs to you.]
[["Why are bots so popular then?"]]
[["Dont worry - I've been getting hammered in this difficult time too."]]"They're... almost human?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not close enough, and they never will be. They're a force of confusion, destruction and spam."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">Being 100% sure you don't need, only to get hammered at this difficult time?</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I have been getting hammered recently, to be honest, </i> your ghostly fellow traveller murmurs to you.]
[["Why are bots so popular then?"]]
[["Dont worry - I've been getting hammered in this difficult time too."]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"How should I know! They </i>claim<i> I have a stranglehold on all creative enterprise."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdccqt/employer_not_paying_what_was_refunded_of_my/" target="_blank">Employer not paying what was refunded of my things from their side?</a>"</i></span>
"And you are exactly? A cloud?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I am an up-to-date recommender algorithm, on a server, far away. Computationally projecting to Stock Hill here."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is//" target="_blank">Today makes several statements about the Dark Side doesn't exist because of it, do you disagree to that?</a>"</i></span>
[["What do you mean 'the Dark Side'?"]]
[["A recommender algorithm?"]]"And what's your issue with them?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They cause only confusion. They take sample data from humans on the internet, disfigure it, interpolate it, seize language from them before peddling it back to people for consumption."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">Being 100% sure you don't need, only to get hammered at this difficult time?</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I have been getting hammered recently, to be honest, </i> your ghostly fellow traveller murmurs to you.]
"Why are bots so popular then?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Good question. Morbid curiosity perhaps. Do you remember <a href="https://twitter.com/horse_ebooks?lang=en" target="_blank">Horse ebooks</a>?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">I won't accuse you of assuming I'm an asshole and a pretender and I don't make up things.</a>"</i></span>
(if: $Sign is true)[Your mind flashes back to the mouldy sign you encountered much earlier in the day.
"I saw that name on a sign!" you exclaim.] [["Please enlighten me!"]]
[["It seems like all you do is make up things..."]]"And what's your issue with them?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They cause only confusion. They take sample data from humans on the internet, disfigure it, interpolate it, seize language from them before peddling it back to people for consumption."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">Being 100% sure you don't need, only to get hammered at this difficult time?</a>"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I have been getting hammered recently, to be honest, </i> your ghostly fellow traveller murmurs to you.]
"Dont worry - I've been getting hammered in this difficult time too."
The swarm buzzes excitedly; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">I won't accuse you of assuming I'm an asshole and a pretender and I don't make up things.</a>"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">So you're agreeing with them now?</a>"</i></span>
You ponder this momentarily. Bots can be dangerous, granted, but does the online community's lively relationship with bots display some form of progressive embrace of cybernetics? (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>Careful now wanderer,</i> the ghost chides you.]
[["Maybe I am!" You address the cloud directly; "and what's their issue with you?"|You address the cloud; "Why do they find you oppressive?"]]
(if: $Sign is true)[You remember the mouldy sign from earlier. [["Do you know what Horse ebooks is?"|"Please enlighten me!"]]](if: $Sign is true)[Your mind flashes back to the mouldy sign you encountered much earlier in the day.
"I saw that name on a sign!" you exclaim.] "Please enlighten me!"
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/Horse_ebooks?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" height="500">Tweets by Horse_ebooks</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It was a hugely popular spam Twitter account, thought to be a bot. <a href="https://www.quirkbooks.com/post/horse-ebooks-youve-followed-twitter-account-now-buy-shirts" target="_blank">People made t-shirts.</a> As soon as it came out it was a human run piece of marketing strategy, it died. Immediately."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">I did and time into something else.</a>"</i></span>
[["That seems like the issue is with advertisers, not bots."]]
[["Hmmm." You address the cloud directly; "and what's their issue with you?"|You address the cloud; "Why do they find you oppressive?"]]"It seems like all you do is make up things..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"To be fair, isn't that all everyone does?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">Being 100% sure you don't need, only to get hammered at this difficult time?</a>"</i></span>
You have become suspicious of this cloud. [["And what's their issue with you?"|You address the cloud; "Why do they find you oppressive?"]]
[[You feel it's time to make your opinion known.|decision]](if: $Sign is true)[Your mind flashes back to the mouldy sign you encountered much earlier in the day.
"I saw that name on a sign!" you exclaim.] "Please enlighten me!"
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/Horse_ebooks?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" height="500">Tweets by Horse_ebooks</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It was a hugely popular spam Twitter account, thought to be a bot. <a href="https://www.quirkbooks.com/post/horse-ebooks-youve-followed-twitter-account-now-buy-shirts" target="_blank">People made t-shirts.</a> As soon as it came out it was a human run piece of marketing strategy, it died. Immediately."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hcwo2j/being_100_sure_you_dont_need_only_to_get_hammered/" target="_blank">I did and time into something else.</a>"</i></span>
"That seems like the issue is with advertisers, not bots."
You've clearly offended the cloud. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Advertisers are not the issue here! We're responsible! They're the spammers!"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">You have been close friends now, and the other is depressed he has to answer questions and search the web.</a>"</i></span>
You have become suspicious of this cloud. [["What do you mean 'we'? What's their issue with you?"|You address the cloud; "Why do they find you oppressive?"]]
[[You feel it's time to make your opinion known.|decision]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"How should I know! They </i>claim<i> I have a stranglehold on all creative enterprise."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdccqt/employer_not_paying_what_was_refunded_of_my/" target="_blank">Employer not paying what was refunded of my things from their side?</a>"</i></span>
"And you are exactly? A cloud?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I am an up-to-date recommender algorithm, on a server, far away. Computationally projecting to Stock Hill here."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is//" target="_blank">Today makes several statements about the Dark Side doesn't exist because of it, do you disagree to that?</a>"</i></span>
"What do you mean 'the Dark Side'?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I think they're trying to criticise my practices."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">I still found his poem unrefined, amateurish, tasteless, but there is one thing “is” another, while similes state that one thing humanity excels at, it’s revenge.</a>"</i></span>
[["And why would they do that?"]]
[["Revenge?!"]]<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"How should I know! They </i>claim<i> I have a stranglehold on all creative enterprise."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hdccqt/employer_not_paying_what_was_refunded_of_my/" target="_blank">Employer not paying what was refunded of my things from their side?</a>"</i></span>
"And you are exactly? A cloud?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I am an up-to-date recommender algorithm, on a server, far away. Computationally projecting to Stock Hill here."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is//" target="_blank">Today makes several statements about the Dark Side doesn't exist because of it, do you disagree to that?</a>"</i></span>
"A recommender algorithm?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The process by which content gets shown to you online, based on what else you have looked at. I'm invaluable!"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbugtz/likely_to_try_ecstasy_for_the_past_5_years/" target="_blank">Likely to try ecstasy for the past 5 years.</a>"</i></span>
[["And what is it that you do, exactly?"]]
[["Now that's modesty!" Sarcasm drips from your every pore.]]"And why would they do that?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They say by HELPING users with my algorithmic recommendations, I'm actually collapsing their ability to explore and express. But <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Dx6OQ7RvDXc&feature=emb_title" target="_blank">Rupa Biswas</a> is popular because of me! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar9qA3WJInk" target="_blank">DJ Boring</a> owes me eternally."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">A small comment: I think you can put it in your eye and it makes such a difference. Normally they keep things the same according to a report ten years ago and it was expressed in 4 of my siblings.</a>"</i></span>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ar9qA3WJInk?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
(if: $Rupa is true)[You remember! That lonely forester was listening to Rupa Biswas. Things make a little more sense on Stock Hill.]
[["I agree with them," you gesture toward the swarm. "That thing in your eye is a plank, I believe."]]
[["And what is it that you do, exactly?"]]"Revenge?!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It has been said - WRONGLY! - that this is the powers-that-be's retaliation for a few years of free expression at the outset of Web1.0. Ridiculous!"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">That was the game sees that as far as I understood the reference. Edit: I should be perfectly fine :)</a>"</i></span>
[["Maybe it's not so ridiculous," you suppose out loud.|"I agree with them," you gesture toward the swarm. "That thing in your eye is a plank, I believe."]]
[["And what is it that you do, exactly?"]]Your siding with the swarm only infuriates the cloud further.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Alright wiseguy, who do you agree with?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbugtz/likely_to_try_ecstasy_for_the_past_5_years/" target="_blank">C. Allowed a photographer to come and get your guns, but none of this should be user-facing at all.</a>"</i></span>
[["What's your issue with them again?"|You address the swarm; "Why do they find you destructive? And I don't think you can buy mole hills..."]]
[[You're really on the spot here! Maybe it is time to make your opinion known...|decision]]"And what is it that you do, exactly?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>YouTube therefore appears to be engaged continually in a process of distancing itself from the status of co-constructed archive to one of cultural intermediary, as ever greater content leads users to engage more with the recommender systems in order to effectively (and unwittingly) discover and discern cultural capital.</i></span>
-Lloyd Howell in <i>How do social media platforms facilitate the construction of virtual music communities?</i>, 2019, Swansea University
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They're trying to say that <a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03085140600635755?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=reso20" target="_blank">capitalism is carpeting expectation and capturing potential.</a> I don't know where they got such a fallacious idea."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">Just know I could hack AOL or the insane mortality rate.</a>"</i></span>
[["Maybe it's not so fallacious," you suppose out loud.|"I agree with them," you gesture toward the swarm. "That thing in your eye is a plank, I believe."]]
[["Why would you be criticised for that?"]]You reflect. The swarm is confusing and somewhat threatening, but maybe a positive relationship with it can be formed. The cloud's methods clearly have some benefits (if: $Rupa is true)[- you are a Rupa Biswas fan after all - ]but you are far from trusting them. Their opaque, inhuman and overtly capitalist.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)['You going to help?' you think at the ghost. You've never experience such a bewildered shrug before.
<i>I can't help you here.</i>
'What can you help me with?' you retaliate. To nothing.]
[[Walk over to the cloud. "I'm with you. They frighten me."]]
[[Walk over to the swarm. "I'm with you. They're not on our side, they're just exploiting us again."]]
[["I don't know. You both have a point. You're both failing me."]]
[["Maybe you have more in common than you realise."]]"Why would you be criticised for that?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Exactly! I'm a tastemaker; a path of least resistance. All the tech giants love me."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbugtz/likely_to_try_ecstasy_for_the_past_5_years/" target="_blank">C. Allowed a photographer to come and get your guns, but none of this should be user-facing at all.</a>"</i></span>
[["What's your issue with them again?"|You address the swarm; "Why do they find you destructive? And I don't think you can buy mole hills..."]]
[[You're really on the spot here! Perhaps it's time to offer an opinion.|decision]]"Now that's modesty!" Sarcasm drips from your every pore.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ar9qA3WJInk?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"It's true! I've made more careers than I can count!<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Dx6OQ7RvDXc&feature=emb_title" target="_blank">Rupa Biswas</a> is popular because of me! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar9qA3WJInk" target="_blank">DJ Boring</a> owes me eternally."</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hc7m92/you_have_been_close_friends_now_and_the_other_is/" target="_blank">A small comment: I think you can put it in your eye and it makes such a difference. Normally they keep things the same according to a report ten years ago and it was expressed in 4 of my siblings.</a>"</i></span>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ar9qA3WJInk?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
(if: $Rupa is true)[You remember! That lonely forester was listening to Rupa Biswas. Things make a little more sense on Stock Hill.]
[["I agree with them," you gesture toward the swarm. "That thing in your eye is a plank, I believe."]]
[["And what is it that you do, exactly?"]](set: $Cloud to true)You reflect. The swarm is confusing and somewhat threatening, but maybe a positive relationship with it can be formed. The cloud's methods clearly have some benefits (if: $Rupa is true)[- you are a Rupa Biswas fan after all - ]but you are far from trusting them. Their opaque, inhuman and overtly capitalist.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)['You going to help?' you think at the ghost. You've never experience such a bewildered shrug before.
<i>I can't help you here.</i>
'What can you help me with?' you retaliate. To nothing.]
You walk over to the cloud. "I'm with you. They frighten me." (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[It's what the snowballers would do.] (if: $Shutterstock is true)[The shutterstock rejects would back you up.] (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your ghost friend doesn't seem to agree with you.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Good call. Thanks for your help. Do you want to listen to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrr3dp7zRQY" target="_blank">Ryo Fukui</a> sometime?"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbugtz/likely_to_try_ecstasy_for_the_past_5_years/" target="_blank">Can you display forgotten beast body parts in the coffin assigned to the pasture, also sometimes they want to avoid job cancel spam, yes.</a>"</i></span>
"You're welcome. And maybe another time."
[[It's time to make your exit.|helicopter]](set: $Swarm to true)You reflect. The swarm is confusing and somewhat threatening, but maybe a positive relationship with it can be formed. The cloud's methods clearly have some benefits (if: $Rupa is true)[- you are a Rupa Biswas fan after all - ]but you are far from trusting them. Their opaque, inhuman and overtly capitalist.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)['You going to help?' you think at the ghost. You've never experience such a bewildered shrug before.
<i>I can't help you here.</i>
'What can you help me with?' you retaliate. To nothing.]
You walk over to the swarm. "I'm with you. They're not on our side, they're just exploiting us again." (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers would disagree, but you dont mind.] (if: $Shutterstock is true)[You] (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your ghost friend seems to agree with you.]
The swarm chimes excitedly. <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbugtz/likely_to_try_ecstasy_for_the_past_5_years/" target="_blank">That is easy, ill finish it an under an improvised blue tarp setup. when i came to the real thing than imagined.</a>"</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Are you kidding me? You're going with the masses over the experts?"</i></span>
Before you have time to answer, the cloud disappates with a crackle of static electricity. The swarm buzzes happily.
"I guess so..." you offer to thin air.
[[It's time to make your exit.|helicopter]](set: $Neither to true)You reflect. The swarm is confusing and somewhat threatening, but maybe a positive relationship with it can be formed. The cloud's methods clearly have some benefits (if: $Rupa is true)[- you are a Rupa Biswas fan after all - ]but you are far from trusting them. Their opaque, inhuman and overtly capitalist.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)['You going to help?' you think at the ghost. You've never experience such a bewildered shrug before.
<i>I can't help you here.</i>
'What can you help me with?' you retaliate. To nothing.]
"I don't know. You both have a point. You're both failing me."
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your ghost friend winces.] Neither of them wanted to hear that.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Then we're both leaving. Thanks for nothing."</i></span>
The swarm buzzes angrily; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbjn3n/like_when_you_feel_the_same_amount_of_power/" target="_blank">Like when you feel the same amount of power?</a>"</i></span>
The cloud disappates with a crackle of static electricity. The swarm flies away with an erratic, jagged gait.
"Good riddance," you mutter to no one.
[[It's time to make your exit.|helicopter]](set: $Neither to true)You reflect. The swarm is confusing and somewhat threatening, but maybe a positive relationship with it can be formed. The cloud's methods clearly have some benefits (if: $Rupa is true)[- you are a Rupa Biswas fan after all - ]but you are far from trusting them. Their opaque, inhuman and overtly capitalist.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)['You going to help?' you think at the ghost. You've never experience such a bewildered shrug before.
<i>I can't help you here.</i>
'What can you help me with?' you retaliate. To nothing.]
"Maybe you have more in common than you realise."
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your ghost friend winces.] Neither of them wanted to hear that.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Impossible. Mutual exclusivity. We're both leaving. Thanks for nothing."</i></span>
The swarm buzzes angrily; <span style="background-color: #DB9155"><i>"<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditSimulator/comments/hbjn3n/like_when_you_feel_the_same_amount_of_power/" target="_blank">Like when you feel the same amount of power?</a>"</i></span>
The cloud disappates with a crackle of static electricity. The swarm flies away with an erratic, jagged gait. Your not sure that they're right, perhaps they have common ground, positively and negatively.
"Good riddance," you mutter to no one.
[[It's time to make your exit.|helicopter]]Some time later, your eyes open. You are in a helicopter. The bag must have been chloroformed, wherever it is. Your head is pleasantly exposed to the world once again. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You probe your mind anxiously for the presence of the ghost in the .mp3. <i>I haven't left you yet, but judging how this is going I won't be with you much longer,</i> you hear. You are both reassured by its company and made anxious by its barbed commentary.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Look around you."</i></span> the same familiar voice demands.
[[You do.]]Some time later, your eyes open. You are in a helicopter. The bag must have been chloroformed, wherever it is. Your head is pleasantly exposed to the world once again. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You probe your mind anxiously for the presence of the ghost in the .mp3. <i>I haven't left you yet, but judging how this is going I won't be with you much longer,</i> you hear. You are both reassured by its company and made anxious by its barbed commentary.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Look around you."</i></span> the same familiar voice demands.
You do. It's the forester from earlier, from the inital stages of your directionless ramblings. (if: $Forester is false)[Not that you spoke to him, that tarpaulin seemed to be devouring his attention.] (if: $Rupa is true)[The one that was listening to Rupa Biswas on the radio. ]You're high above Stock Hill.
You feel groggy enough that a significant amount of 'some time' must have passed, but again the apparent conditions here are unwavering and unchanged. The sun still shines flatly, and now you have a fantastic view of its casts being caught by the deforestation zone. It occurs to you there must be a pilot in this helicopter, but you can't see the cockpit or any trace of another lifeform. It's just you and that forester(if: $Forester is true)[ you had a brief conversation with], and they ask;-
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Do you know why you're here? You should."</i></span>
The forester is scaring you; they seem volatile. You must pick your words carefully.
"Why should I? What's happening here?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"(if: $Forester is true)[Were you not even listening to me before? ]You've met many of the inhabitants. You've read the literature now. You've been reading this hypertext story for over 10 minutes. Think more deeply."</i></span>
[["I really don't know! You're scaring me!"]]
[["Did I offend someone? Did I offend YOU?"]]
[["Am I trespassing?"]]Some time later, your eyes open. You are in a helicopter. The bag must have been chloroformed, wherever it is. Your head is pleasantly exposed to the world once again. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You probe your mind anxiously for the presence of the ghost in the .mp3. <i>I haven't left you yet, but judging how this is going I won't be with you much longer,</i> you hear. You are both reassured by its company and made anxious by its barbed commentary.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Look around you."</i></span> the same familiar voice demands.
You do. It's the forester from earlier, from the inital stages of your directionless ramblings. (if: $Forester is false)[Not that you spoke to him, that tarpaulin seemed to be devouring his attention.] (if: $Rupa is true)[The one that was listening to Rupa Biswas on the radio. ]You're high above Stock Hill.
You feel groggy enough that a significant amount of 'some time' must have passed, but again the apparent conditions here are unwavering and unchanged. The sun still shines flatly, and now you have a fantastic view of its casts being caught by the deforestation zone. It occurs to you there must be a pilot in this helicopter, but you can't see the cockpit or any trace of another lifeform. It's just you and that forester(if: $Forester is true)[ you had a brief conversation with], and they ask;-
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Do you know why you're here? You should."</i></span>
The forester is scaring you; they seem volatile. You must pick your words carefully.
"I have my suspicions."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Voice them and I will confirm or deny. I'm not going to Glomarize you."</i></span>
[["Did I offend someone? Did I offend YOU?"]]
[["Am I trespassing?"]](set: $Finale +=1)Some time later, your eyes open. The bag must have been chloroformed, wherever it is. Your head is pleasantly exposed to the world once again. You feel groggy enough that a significant amount of 'some time' must have passed, but again the apparent conditions on Stock Hill are unwavering and unchanged. The sun still shines flatly, and now you have a fantastic view of its casts being caught by the deforestation zone.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You probe your mind anxiously for the presence of the ghost in the .mp3. <i>I haven't left you yet, but judging how this is going I won't be with you much longer,</i> you hear. You are both reassured by its company and made anxious by its barbed commentary.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Do you know why you're here? You should."</i></span> the same familiar voice demands.
You look around. It's the forester from earlier, from the inital stages of your directionless ramblings. (if: $Rupa is true)[The one that was listening to Rupa Biswas on the radio. ]
"I have my suspicions."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Voice them and I will confirm or deny. I'm not going to Glomarize you."</i></span>
The forester signs with agitation. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The Glomar response. 'Neither confirm nor deny.' I'm going to give you an answer."</i></span>
[["Did I offend someone? Did I offend YOU?"]]
[["Am I trespassing?"]](set: $Finale +=1)"I really don't know! You're scaring me!"
The forester shakes their head in disappointment. You feel uncharacteristically hurt. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Think about the persons you interacted with. (if: $Forester is true)[We may have hardly spoken,](else:)[We may not have spoken,] but think why those you did might take issue."</i></span>
You reflect on your 'day.' Who might have conspired to kidnap you and bundle your unconscious body into this helicopter. (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers? ](if: $Gil is true)[The mountaineer? ](if: $Shutterstock is true)[The Shutterstock rejects and Sir? ](if: $Cloud is true)[The swarm? ](if: $Swarm is true)[The cloud? ](if: $Neither is true)[The cloud and the swarm both? ](if: $Punched is true)[The man with long white hair did punch you, you suppose. ]You feel slightly riled; you may not frequently idle on Stock Hill as these 'inhabitants' do, but <i>you're a local.</i> This is home turf.
[["I may have annoyed some of them, but I didn't hurt anyone!"]]
[["Did I bother them that much?"]]"Did I offend someone? Did I offend <i>YOU</i>?"
The forester cocks their head as though considering this notion. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You didn't offend </i>me<i>; (if: $Forester is true)[we hardly spoke after all.](else:)[we didn't even speak, I simply observed you.] I think the issue is more in your newly found potential to offend the people of Stock Hill."</i></span>
You reflect on your 'day.' You wonder who you have this new power of offence over. (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers? ](if: $Gil is true)[The mountaineer? ](if: $Cloud is true)[The swarm? ](if: $Swarm is true)[The cloud? ](if: $Neither is true)[The cloud and the swarm both? ](if: $Shutterstock is true)[The Shutterstock rejects and Sir? ](if: $Punched is true)[The man with long white hair did punch you, you suppose. ]You feel slightly riled; you may not frequently idle on Stock Hill as these 'inhabitants' do, but <i>you're a local.</i> This is home turf.
[["I may have annoyed some of them, but I didn't hurt anyone!"]]
[["Did I bother them that much?"]]
(if: $Punched is true)[ [["In fact, someone punched ME!"]] ]"Am I trespassing?"
The forester smiles wryly. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Not at all; this is a free country, and Stock Hill is free real estate. (if: $Forester is true)[We may have hardly spoken,](else:)[We may not have spoken,] but those who did talk with you have also spoken to me. About you. About this."</i></span>
You reflect on your 'day.' Who might have conspired to kidnap you and bundle your unconscious body into this helicopter. (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers? ](if: $Gil is true)[The mountaineer? ](if: $Cloud is true)[The swarm? ](if: $Swarm is true)[The cloud? ](if: $Neither is true)[The cloud and the swarm both? ](if: $Punched is true)[The man with long white hair did punch you, you suppose. ]You feel slightly riled; you may not frequently idle on Stock Hill as these 'inhabitants' do, but <i>you're a local.</i> This is home turf.
[["I may have annoyed some of them, but I didn't hurt anyone!"]]
[["Did I bother them that much?"]]Some time later, your eyes open. You are in a helicopter. The bag must have been chloroformed, wherever it is. Your head is pleasantly exposed to the world once again. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You probe your mind anxiously for the presence of the ghost in the .mp3. <i>I haven't left you yet, but judging how this is going I won't be with you much longer,</i> you hear. You are both reassured by its company and made anxious by its barbed commentary.]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Look around you."</i></span> the same familiar voice demands.
You do. It's the forester from earlier, from the inital stages of your directionless ramblings. (if: $Forester is false)[Not that you spoke to him, that tarpaulin seemed to be devouring his attention.] (if: $Rupa is true)[The one that was listening to Rupa Biswas on the radio. ]You're high above Stock Hill.
You feel groggy enough that a significant amount of 'some time' must have passed, but again the apparent conditions here are unwavering and unchanged. The sun still shines flatly, and now you have a fantastic view of its casts being caught by the deforestation zone. It occurs to you there must be a pilot in this helicopter, but you can't see the cockpit or any trace of another lifeform. It's just you and that forester(if: $Forester is true)[ you had a brief conversation with], and they ask;-
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Do you know why you're here? You should."</i></span>
The forester is scaring you; they seem volatile. You must pick your words carefully. You have a feeling they will remember what you say.
[["Why should I? What's happening here?"]]
[["I have my suspicions."]]"I may have annoyed some of them, but I didn't hurt anyone!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And why might you have annoyed them?(if: $Snowbrawl is true)[ The snowballers?](if: $Gil is true)[ The mountaineer?](if: $Shutterstock is true)[ The Shutterstock rejects and Sir?](if: $Ghost is true)[ The ghost?](if: $Cloud is true)[ The swarm?](if: $Swarm is true)[ The cloud?](if: $Neither is true)[ The cloud and the swarm?](if: $Punched is true)[ The man with long white hair?]"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You transmit to your ghostly companion; did I annoy you? <i>A little at first. You've grown on me.</i>
The foresters list of complaints is one article too long it seems.]
[["I couldn't guess. Are they why I'm in this helicopter?"]]
[["Did I interfere with their... scams?"]]"Did I bother them that much?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Think about it. What do they have in common? Me, (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[the snowballers, ](if: $Gil is true)[the mountaineer, ](if: $Shutterstock is true)[the Shutterstock rejects and Sir, ](if: $Bots is true)[the cloud and the swarm, ](if: $Ghost is true)[the ghost, ](if: $Punched is true)[the man who punched you, ] all of them."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You transmit to your ghostly companion; did I bother you? <i>A little at first. You've grown on me.</i>
The foresters list of complaints is one article too long it seems.]
[["I couldn't guess. Are they why I'm in this helicopter?"]]
[["Did I interfere with their... scams?"]](set: $Finale +=1)"Did I offend someone? Did I offend <i>YOU</i>?"
The forester cocks their head as though considering this notion. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You didn't offend </i>me<i>; (if: $Forester is true)[we hardly spoke after all.](else:)[we didn't even speak, I simply observed you.] I think the issue is more in your newly found potential to offend the people of Stock Hill."</i></span>
You reflect on your 'day.' You wonder who you have this new power of offence over. (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers? ](if: $Gil is true)[The mountaineer? ](if: $Shutterstock is true)[The Shutterstock rejects and Sir? ](if: $Cloud is true)[The swarm? ](if: $Swarm is true)[The cloud? ](if: $Neither is true)[The cloud and the swarm both? ](if: $Punched is true)[The man with long white hair did punch you, you suppose. ]You feel slightly riled; you may not frequently idle on Stock Hill as these 'inhabitants' do, but <i>you're a local.</i> This is home turf.
"In fact, someone punched ME!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And he'd do it again. He told me as much. You deserved it."</i></span>
"Deserved it?! All I did was approach him and his weird figurines!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Why might he have thought you deserved it? Think of the others also."</i></span>
You think again. You are stressed. Obviously because of the chopper, the kidnapping, the chloroform. But you feel inner conflict too; you hate offending people.
[["I may have annoyed some of them, but I didn't hurt anyone!"]]
[["Did I bother them that much?"]](set: $Finale +=1)"I couldn't guess. Are they why I'm in this helicopter?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They are. You are remarkably unastute. Guess the reason."</i></span>
It's all you've got: [["Did I interfere with their... scams?"]](set: $Finale +=1)"Did I interfere with their... scams?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I resent your choice of words,"</i></span> the forester bristiles.
[["But I'm right?"]]
[["I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!" you gasp. You are hostage 800 metres above the earth, after all.]](set: $Finale +=1)"Did I interfere with their... scams?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I resent your choice of words,"</i></span> the forester bristiles.
"But I'm right?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I guess you are. I don't appreciate your tone, though. Don't forget where you are."</i></span>
You glance nervously out of the helicopter's window again. It is a <i>long</i> drop.
[["How did I interfere? All I did was speak to them! Not even all of them!"]]
[["If I apologise to them will you land and let me go?"]]"Did I interfere with their... scams?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I resent your choice of words,"</i></span> the forester bristiles.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!" you gasp. You are hostage 800 metres above the earth, after all.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hmph,"</i></span> the forester grumbles. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay. You are - essentially - correct."</i></span>
[["How did I interfere? All I did was speak to them! Not even all of them!"]]
[["If I apologise to them will you land and let me go?"]](set: $Finale +=1)"How did I interfere? All I did was speak to them! Not even all of them!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You're a threat to their businesses here."</i></span>
Your altitude is catching up with you. You feel sick. You mind scambles across the summary of your day on Stock Hill, attempting to draw connections between its denizens in a state of panic.
<span style="background-color: #DB9155">I think these technologies underscore the proprietary nature of the internet. In this sense, it’s a disappointing reminder that the internet is not the free, public, open space that many of us hoped it would be. It’s a reminder that the internet today is more like a private club or a shopping mall than a public park.</span>
-<a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a>, 2020
(if: $Sign is true)[ [["Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"]] ]
(if: $Snowbrawl is true)[ [["I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."]] ]
(if: $Gil is true)[ [["I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"]] ]
[["Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"]] (if: $Punched is true)[You add; "Tell him I'll forget about the punching incident!"]
(if: $Shutterstock is true)[ [["Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd consider joining their group!"]] ]
(if: $Ghost is true)[ [["Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"]] ]
(if: $Bots is true)[ [["Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"]] ]"If I apologise to them will you land and let me go?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Maybe. I'm not convinced you understand what's at stake here. You're meddling with vested interests here; financial of course."</i></span>
Your altitude is catching up with you. You feel sick. You mind scambles across the summary of your day on Stock Hill, attempting to draw connections between its denizens in a state of panic.
<span style="background-color: #DB9155">I think these technologies underscore the proprietary nature of the internet. In this sense, it’s a disappointing reminder that the internet is not the free, public, open space that many of us hoped it would be. It’s a reminder that the internet today is more like a private club or a shopping mall than a public park.</span>
-<a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a>, 2020
(if: $Sign is true)[ [["Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"]] ]
(if: $Snowbrawl is true)[ [["I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."]] ]
(if: $Gil is true)[ [["I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"]] ]
[["Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"]] (if: $Punched is true)[You add; "Tell him I'll forget about the punching incident!"]
(if: $Shutterstock is true)[ [["Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd consider joining their group!"]] ]
(if: $Ghost is true)[ [["Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"]] ]
(if: $Bots is true)[ [["Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"]] ]You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...
(if: $Forester is true)["We only spoke so briefly, so ](else:)["We didn't even speak, so ]what's YOUR problem?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"MY problem? YOU asked probing personal questions and then YOU concluded I was an arsehole!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I can literally read your mind,</i> the ghost murmurs to you, <i>and he's not wrong. You did conclude that.</i>
Trying to ignore the fact you have an .mp3's ghost reading your thoughts, you persevere with your kidnapper.]
[["I think it's fair that I don't trust you! You've conjured a forest full of tree stumps out of thin air!"]]
[["You seemed preoccupied with your equipment!"]]
(if: $Rupa is true)[ [["You were enjoying Rupa Biswas so I thought I'd leave you to it!"]] ]"Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He's inconsolable. His dear friend had been cursed, and all you were able to do was spout platitudes and moronic questions."</i></span>
[["How is that deserving of my kidnapping?"]]
(if: $Punched is true)[ [["He punched me! Shouldn't it be me that deserves an apology?"]] ]Putting your head in your hands, you fall silent. You pause for breath. It's ragged and gasping. Equipped with this new information, you look first at the huge drop out of the helicopter window, then back at the Forester.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all know this operation's hollow. And now so do you. We should never have allowed you back to Stock Hill. Now, you know too much."</i></span>
[["I don't feel like I know anything at all!"]]Putting your head in your hands, you fall silent. You pause for breath. It's ragged and gasping. Equipped with this new information, you look first at the huge drop out of the helicopter window, then back at the Forester.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all know this operation's hollow. And now so do you. We should never have allowed you back to Stock Hill. Now, you know too much."</i></span>
"I don't feel like I know anything at all!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I need to know you are not going to tell anyone about our magic trick in this place. Our conjurations, our compressions, our homogenisations. This is the last time I'm going to ask this; do you understand that?"</i></span>
[["I think what you're doing is wrong."]]
[["Yes. Finally, yes. I wont breathe a word to anyone."]]</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/endgif.gif> </div>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>You have reached the COMPLICITY ending.
You have sided with those seeking to make a profit from Stock Hill by any means necessary. Fabricating evidence, widespread lies and total homogenisation of all material are to be expected.
There are other endings less degrading to human agency. Play again and make different choices. Maybe you'll finish somewhere else...</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>By <a href="http://www.benvillagehall.com/" target="_blank">Benjamin Hall</a>
with regards to Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and <a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a></i></span>
[[Play again?|Start]]</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/endgif.gif> </div>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>You have reached the DENIAL ending.
You have decided to ignore those seeking to make a profit from Stock Hill by any means necessary. You slink away and let them get on fabricating evidence, lying en masse and total homogenising of all material.
There are other endings less apathetic toward human agency. Play again and make different choices. Maybe you'll finish somewhere else...</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>By <a href="http://www.benvillagehall.com/" target="_blank">Benjamin Hall</a>
with regards to Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and <a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a></i></span>
[[Play again?|Start]]</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/endgif.gif> </div>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>You have reached the CATASTROPHE ending.
Your interactions with the profiteers of Stock Hill have lead to your demise. Hopefully no others share your fate, although you're not sure. If only you'd have had someone there to save you.
There are other endings less fatal. Play again and make different choices. Maybe you'll finish somewhere else...</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>By <a href="http://www.benvillagehall.com/" target="_blank">Benjamin Hall</a>
with regards to Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and <a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a></i></span>
[[Play again?|Start]]</style> <img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/endgif.gif> </div>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>You have reached the REBELLION ending.
You have decided to stand alongside those being controlled, monitored and measured by those out for a profit on Stock Hill. Your ghostly friend thanks you.
There are other endings. Play again and make different choices. Maybe you'll finish somewhere else...</i></span>
<span style="background-color: #457C45"><i>By <a href="http://www.benvillagehall.com/" target="_blank">Benjamin Hall</a>
with regards to Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and <a href="http://ryanmaguire.net/" target="_blank">Ryan Patrick Maguire</a></i></span>
[[Play again?|Start]]"I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He saw the look on your face. He shared his activity with you, and all he got in return was monotone bemusement."</i></span>
"What do you mean 'the look on your face?'"
The forester slows down and begins to plot his words more carefully, like he's dodging cracks in the pavement.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You received information about his advertisement, and failed to show your support. We're insiders here, and the mountaineers story unfortunately corroborates the others'. Unfortunately for you, that is."</i></span>
[["I disagree with AT&T's practices and I apologise if I may have expressed that to him."]]
[["Forgive me please! I was just taken aback by a talking advert!"]](set: $Finale +=1)"I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He saw the look on your face. He shared his activity with you, and all he got in return was monotone bemusement."</i></span>
"'Shared his activity?!' He's bastardising Gil Scott-Heron's message for corproate gain!"
The forester's nostrils flare.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"This is the kind of talk that cannot leave Stock Hill with you. The mountaineer is most concerned. What do you say to that?"</i></span>
[["I disagree with AT&T's practices and I apologise if I may have expressed that to him."]]
[["Forgive me please! I was just taken aback by a talking advert!"]]You mentally return to the short list of Stock Hillers you intercted with before yor kidnapping.
(if: $Sign is true)[ [["Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"]] ]
(if: $Snowbrawl is true)[ [["I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."]] ]
(if: $Gil is true)[ [["I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"]] ]
[["Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"]] (if: $Punched is true)[You add; "Tell him I'll forget about the punching incident!"]
(if: $Shutterstock is true)[ [["Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd consider joining their group!"]] ]
(if: $Ghost is true)[ [["Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"]] ]
(if: $Bots is true)[ [["Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"]] ]
[[You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...|kidnapper]](set: $Finale +=1)"I disagree with AT&T's practices and I apologise if I may have expressed that to him."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And here lies this issue. Who else are you going to express this disagreement to? Life is tenuous here on Stock Hill; we will not be offending AT&T thank you very much."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]]"Forgive me please! I was just taken aback by a talking advert!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Hmm. I suppose that is a little jarring for the uninitiated."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]]"Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He's inconsolable. His dear friend had been cursed, and all you were able to do was spout platitudes and moronic questions."</i></span>
"How is that deserving of my kidnapping?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You witnessed an artefact compression curse, showed no concern, and left. Combined with the others' accounts of your behaviour, this is a </i>straws on camel's backs<i> kind of situation."</i></span>
[["Tell him he has an attitude problem."]]
[["Tell him I didn't see anything, and I hope the curse has been lifted."]](set: $Finale +=1)"Tell him he has an attitude problem."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I won't. Next time I see him, I doubt we'll be talking about you anymore."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] "Tell him I didn't see anything, and I hope the curse has been lifted."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Maybe I will. If he wants to talk about your(if: $Punched is true)[ punched] face anymore, that is."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $Finale +=1)"I agreed with the sign."
The forester exhales aggressively. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Why am I not surprised by you. You see messages blowing the lid off this racket and you subscribe to them. Can you really not undertsand why you're in this helicopter?"</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] "You're welcome."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They will be swiftly removed. Thanks to you we may remain safe from public scrutiny. For the time being; the future is unpredictable here. Purposefully so!"</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $Finale +=1)You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...
(if: $Forester is true)["We only spoke so briefly, so ](else:)["We didn't even speak, so ]what's YOUR problem?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"MY problem? YOU asked probing personal questions and then YOU concluded I was an arsehole!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I can literally read your mind,</i> the ghost murmurs to you, <i>and he's not wrong. You did conclude that.</i>
Trying to ignore the fact you have an .mp3's ghost reading your thoughts, you persevere with your kidnapper.]
"I think it's fair that I don't trust you! You've conjured a forest full of tree stumps out of thin air!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That's what we do here idiot! We make something out of nothing and profit from it! It doesn't matter if it was never there, if the relevant parties believe it was we're golden. If the public find out about the hollowness of our operation, it'll end in a fireball of scandal. Do you understand that?"</i></span>
You're frightened.(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ The ghost is too, you sense. ][[Put your head in your hands.|rejoin]]You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...
(if: $Forester is true)["We only spoke so briefly, so ](else:)["We didn't even speak, so ]what's YOUR problem?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"MY problem? YOU asked probing personal questions and then YOU concluded I was an arsehole!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I can literally read your mind,</i> the ghost murmurs to you, <i>and he's not wrong. You did conclude that.</i>
Trying to ignore the fact you have an .mp3's ghost reading your thoughts, you persevere with your kidnapper.]
"You seemed preoccupied with your equipment!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Well thank you for your consideration,"</i></span> the forester mocks. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I need you to get what we do on Stock Hill into your head. We make something out of nothing and profit from it! It doesn't matter if it was never there, if the relevant parties believe it was we're golden. If the public find out about the hollowness of our operation, it'll end in a fireball of scandal. Do you understand that?"</i></span>
You're frightened.(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ The ghost is too, you sense. ][[Put your head in your hands.|rejoin]]You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...
(if: $Forester is true)["We only spoke so briefly, so ](else:)["We didn't even speak, so ][[what's YOUR problem?"]](set: $Finale +=1)<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd love to join their group!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I think it may be a little late for that. You mocked them with your attitude."</i></span>
"All I thought was they were focused to much on Shuterstock's guidleines, and not enough on their own photography."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They would disagree. Shutterstock </i>is<i> their photography. Their role is to seamlessly package the visual world for its algorithm."</i></span></span>
[["To me, that sounds like they're meeting a terrible fate."]]
[["If they're happy, then I'm happy for them," you suppose out loud.]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd love to join their group!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I think it may be a little late for that. You mocked them with your attitude."</i></span>
"Mocked them? I may have been slightly overwhelmed but I respect their graft!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Their role is to seamlessly package the visual world for its algorithm. They accept this. They suspected you did not. They sensed criticism."</i></span></span>
[["To me, that sounds like they're meeting a terrible fate."]]
[["If they're happy, then I'm happy for them," you suppose out loud.]](set: $Finale +=1)<span style="background-color: #457C45">"To me, that sounds like they're meeting a terrible fate."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"If you keep talking like this, it'll be you and them both."</i></span>
You shudder at the thought. You shudder with <i>vertigo</i>.</span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] <span style="background-color: #457C45">"If they're happy, then I'm happy for them," you suppose out loud.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Sir would certainly appreciate hearing that. Still, I would advise that you leave them be from now on. They don't want you in their group."</i></span></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $Finale +=1)"I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They did not. You told them there was no snow!(if: $Forester is true)[ Just like you told me there are no trees!] And you harrassed them about bitrate compression!"</i></span>
"There WAS no snow!"
The forester raises their voice. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME! They wanted there to be snow, their iPhone 11 Pro wanted there to be snow, Apple wanted there to be snow. And they were all benefitting! Only you don't seem to understand it."</i></span>
You're not benefitting, you're being held hostage in a helicopter, you think. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I agree,</i> sounds your ethereal friend.]
[["You're right, I don't understand it. They're living in a dream! You can't go around fabricating meteorological events to make fast cash!"]]
[["You're right. It's none of my business whether it's snowing for them or not."]]"I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They did not. You told them there was no snow!(if: $Forester is true)[ Just like you told me there are no trees!] And you harrassed them about bitrate compression!"</i></span>
"I didn't realise that was such an issue?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That's the point! It isn't! They wanted there to be snow, their iPhone 11 Pro wanted there to be snow, Apple wanted there to be snow. And they were all benefitting! Only you don't seem to understand it."</i></span>
You're not benefitting, you're being held hostage in a helicopter, you think. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I agree,</i> sounds your ethereal friend.]
[["You're right, I don't understand it. They're living in a dream! You can't go around fabricating meteorological events to make fast cash!"]]
[["You're right. It's none of my business whether it's snowing for them or not."]](set: $Finale +=1)"You're right, I don't understand it. They're living in a dream! You can't go around fabricating meteorological events to make fast cash!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That's excatly what we do here now! Where do you think the tree stumps came from? Stock Hill has no trees! We fabricate, we conjure, and we can't have you exposing our magics."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] "You're right. It's none of my business whether it's snowing for them or not."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Correct. As long as nobody knows the actual conditions, it's no one's business. If people were to find out, suddenly it's everyones. I'm sure you appreciate the concern."</i></span>
You think that while appreciate may be a bit strong, you have at least digested the snowballers' logic.
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $Finale +=1)"Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That ghost is an unbeleivable nuisance. By that logic, I'm sure you are. It consistently threatens to expose this the whole operation of this frontier. I hope you didn't listen to it?"</i></span>
You remember how sorrowful your encounter with the ghost left you. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost smirks from somewhere inside you. Its companionship fills you with determination.]
"Their story moved me. It's rebellious and mournful. You stand to learn something from that ghost."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"IT'S IN HERE! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND! That </i>thing<i> is treacherous, traitorous, misinformed, misguided, disruptive, insolent and pathetic! Banish it at once!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>Unbeleivable!</i> The ghost's shrill tone startles you; <i>this individual is far gone. Treacherous! Pathetic! I emplore you not to listen to a word more out of their hateful mouth.</i>]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Stand by your spectral companion; ][["I felt sorry for them."]]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Defy the ghost; ][["...They did unnerve me I guess..."]]"Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That ghost is an unbeleivable nuisance. By that logic, I'm sure you are. It consistently threatens to expose this the whole operation of this frontier. I hope you didn't listen to it?"</i></span>
You remember how sorrowful your encounter with the ghost left you. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost smirks from somewhere inside you. Its companionship fills you with determination.]
"I did hear it, but I didn't listen."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"How uncharacteristically advisably wise of you. It's a piece of trash; disposed of as totally unneeded. Distasteful; ugly in fact."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>Unbeleivable!</i> The ghost's shrill tone startles you; <i>this individual is far gone. Distasteful! Ugly! I emplore you not to listen to a word more out of their hateful mouth.</i>]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Stand by your spectral companion; ][["I felt sorry for them."]]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Defy the ghost; ][["...They did unnerve me I guess..."]](set: $Finale +=1)""I felt sorry for them.""
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>Thank you for your empathy, stranger,</i> the ghost broadcasts to you. 'Of course,' you silently reply, 'you're the most compassionate and honest individual on this hill!'
<i>I don't disagree,</i> they reply. Meanwhile, the forester has kept up their rant;]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"SORRY for them?! I hope... I hope they revolted you! You must despise them as I do! They represnt what we are trying to eradicate; imperfections, the human touch. We are mutually exclusive parties here, get that into your dense skull."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] "...They did unnerve me I guess..."
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You immediately feel something depart your body. You reach out for the ghost; 'Hello?' From a few feet away you hear an answer; <i>You're all the same after all. I thought you empathised with my fate. Goodbye.</i>
Your companion has deserted you. Or did you desert them? As you debate this, the forester has kept up their rant;]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"More than unnerve I hope! I hope... I hope they revolted you! You must despise them as I do! They represnt what we are trying to eradicate; imperfections, the human touch."</i></span>
[[Nod solemnly.]]
[[Remain stonily silent.]](set: $GhostCompanion to false)<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"More than unnerve I hope! I hope... I hope they revolted you! You must despise them as I do! They represnt what we are trying to eradicate; imperfections, the human touch."</i></span>
You nod solemnly.
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $GhostCompanion to false)<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"More than unnerve I hope! I hope... I hope they revolted you! You must despise them as I do! They represnt what we are trying to eradicate; imperfections, the human touch."</i></span>
You remain stonily silent.
[[Ask the forester another question...]] (set: $Finale +=2)"Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"
(if: $Swarm is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The cloud did. The swarm seemed quite taken with you, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble."</i></span>]
(if: $Cloud is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The swarm did, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble. The cloud seemed quite taken with you, and its words tend to hold more sway around here anyway."</i></span>]
(if: $Neither is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know what? They both did! How about that! I've never seen them agree on </i>anything<i> other than a mutual contempt for you. Incredible!"</i></span>]
"The cloud was incredibly oppressive, I thought the swarm seemed more palatable."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I'm sorry to inform you you're picking the losing side there. The swarm is unpredictable chaos, the cloud is divine order. I would rather there be no spambots than Silicon Valley algorithms, wouldn't you?"</i></span>
[["I find the algorithms suffocating, to be honest."]]
[["I couldn't agree more."]]"Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"
(if: $Swarm is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The cloud did. The swarm seemed quite taken with you, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble."</i></span>]
(if: $Cloud is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The swarm did, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble. The cloud seemed quite taken with you, and its words tend to hold more sway around here anyway."</i></span>]
(if: $Neither is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know what? They both did! How about that! I've never seen them agree on </i>anything<i> other than a mutual contempt for you. Incredible!"</i></span>]
"The swarm was completely baffling and impossible to understand. I had to side with the cloud."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You're picking the winning side there. The swarm is unpredictable chaos, the cloud is divine order. I would rather there be no spambots than Silicon Valley algorithms, wouldn't you?"</i></span>
[["I find the algorithms suffocating, to be honest."]]
[["I couldn't agree more."]](set: $Finale +=1)"Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"
(if: $Swarm is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The cloud did. The swarm seemed quite taken with you, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble."</i></span>]
(if: $Cloud is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The swarm did, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble. The cloud seemed quite taken with you, and its words tend to hold more sway around here anyway."</i></span>]
(if: $Neither is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know what? They both did! How about that! I've never seen them agree on </i>anything<i> other than a mutual contempt for you. Incredible!"</i></span>]
"I found neither of their positions at all appropriate."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"This isn't a game! We're not in a choose-you-own adventure novel; you have to choose here. Let me remind you that you've been kidnapped. The swarm is unpredictable chaos, the cloud is divine order. I would rather there be no spambots than Silicon Valley algorithms, wouldn't you?"</i></span>
[["I find the algorithms suffocating, to be honest."]]
[["I couldn't agree more."]](set: $Finale +=1)"I find the algorithms suffocating, to be honest."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The algorithms trawl through human muck to find online content worthy of dissemination. Pieces of media worthy of advertising revenue. Spambots disturb that system. Yours is the logic of one who does not understand what we do on Stock Hill."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] "I couldn't agree more."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The algorithms trawl through human muck to find online content worthy of dissemination. Pieces of media worthy of advertising revenue. Spambots disturb that system. Yours is the logic of one who understands what we do on Stock Hill."</i></span>
[[Ask the forester another question...]] Putting your head in your hands, you fall silent. You pause for breath. It's ragged and gasping. Equipped with this new information, you look first at the huge drop out of the helicopter window, then back at the Forester.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all know this operation's hollow. And now so do you. We should never have allowed you back to Stock Hill. Now, you know too much."</i></span>
"I don't feel like I know anything at all!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I need to know you are not going to tell anyone about our magic trick in this place. Our conjurations, our compressions, our homogenisations. This is the last time I'm going to ask this; do you understand that?"</i></span>
"Yes. Finally, yes. I wont breathe a word to anyone."
The forester pauses. They seem to be counting the number of your offences in their head. Finally they smirk;
(if: $Finale < 12)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Okay. So it is. If I ever find out you have exposed us to anyone, you'll be back in this helicopter. Okay?"</i></span>
[[Nod hurriedly.]]](else:)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And you were doing so well. You almost talked your way out of this one! Well then. Have a nice trip, I'll see you next fall."</i></span>
[[The forester seizes you by the shoulders.]]]Putting your head in your hands, you fall silent. You pause for breath. It's ragged and gasping. Equipped with this new information, you look first at the huge drop out of the helicopter window, then back at the Forester.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"We all know this operation's hollow. And now so do you. We should never have allowed you back to Stock Hill. Now, you know too much."</i></span>
"I don't feel like I know anything at all!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I need to know you are not going to tell anyone about our magic trick in this place. Our conjurations, our compressions, our homogenisations. This is the last time I'm going to ask this; do you understand that?"</i></span>
"I think what you're doing is wrong."
The forester pauses. They seem to be counting the number of your offences in their head. Finally they smirk;
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"(if: $Finale < 12)[And you were doing so well. You almost talked your way out of this one! ]Well then. Have a nice trip, I'll see you next fall."</i></span>
[[The forester seizes you by the shoulders.]]You have been thrown out of the helicopter, far over Stock Hill. You scream, but it's lost to the wind.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ [[Fall.|fallghost]] ](else:)[ [[Fall.]] ]You nod hurriedly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"In fact, would you like to join our motley crew here? If not, I'll just drop you off where you started."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>You're betraying me,</i> the ghost speaks to you. <i>Don't you dare accept that offer.</i>]
[["No."]][[You plunge toward the earth.]]You nod hurriedly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"In fact, would you like to join our motley crew here? If not, I'll just drop you off where you started."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>You're betraying me,</i> the ghost speaks to you. <i>Don't you dare accept that offer.</i>]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You immediately feel something depart your body. You reach out for the ghost; 'Hello?' From a few feet away you hear an answer; <i>You're all the same after all. I thought you empathised with my fate. Goodbye.</i>
Your companion has deserted you. Or did you desert them? As you debate this, the forester reopens their mouth;]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"A fortune awaits us friend! You have much to prove, but together we can suck this place bone dry. And then leave and do it all over again somewhere else! What do you say?"</i></span>
[["I'm in."]]You nod hurriedly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"In fact, would you like to join our motley crew here? If not, I'll just drop you off where you started."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>You're betraying me,</i> the ghost speaks to you. <i>Don't you dare accept that offer.</i>]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Alright, no harm done! I'll drop you off, and I'll ask you to leave. I'm not threatening you - anymore - but please don't delay."</i></span>
[["Thank you. I'll leave immediately."]]You're back in the exact spot where you started, watching the forester's helicopter take back off and fly away.
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Your ethereal companion pipes up; <i>Well done. You talked yourself free. I don't think I can stay with you any longer, given how much you and they got on. I hope you reflect on this. As I go, let me leave you with this question;</i>](else:)[You think to yourself. Have I got in bed with the enemy? Does the forester represent the shadowy figures and shadowier money behind this frontier?]
[[Did you mean what you said back there?|denial]]As you plummet toward the earth,
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. (if: $Ghost is true)[You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car.](else:)[You don't recognise it, but you feel like you should.] It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
[[How did this happen?]]You plunge toward the earth.
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car. It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
[[You hear a voice.]][[You keep falling.]]You can't listen to this anymore. You have one more question...
(if: $Forester is true)["We only spoke so briefly, so ](else:)["We didn't even speak, so ]what's YOUR problem?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"MY problem? YOU asked probing personal questions and then YOU concluded I was an arsehole!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>I can literally read your mind,</i> the ghost murmurs to you, <i>and he's not wrong. You did conclude that.</i>
Trying to ignore the fact you have an .mp3's ghost reading your thoughts, you persevere with your kidnapper.]
"You were enjoying Rupa Biswas so I thought I'd leave you to it!"
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dx6OQ7RvDXc?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Everyone that uses YouTube to listen to music listens to Rupa Biswas idiot! That's the magic of what we do here! We make something out of nothing and profit from it! It doesn't matter if it was never there, if the relevant parties believe it was we're golden. If the public find out about the hollowness of our operation, it'll end in a fireball of scandal. Do you understand that? "</i></span>
You're frightened.(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ The ghost is too, you sense. ][[Put your head in your hands.|rejoin]]"Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"What signs?"</i></span> The forester seems genuinely puzzled.
[[Recite the sign you came across. The one talking about the 'real thing.']]
(if: $Sign is true)[ [["The one about Horse ebooks!" you recount.]] ]"I guess those snowballing teenagers didn't enjoy my questions..."
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"They did not. You told them there was no snow!(if: $Forester is true)[ Just like you told me there are no trees!] And you harrassed them about bitrate compression!"</i></span>
[["There WAS no snow!"]]
[["I didn't realise that was such an issue?"]]<span style="background-color: #457C45">"Tell Sir and the Shutterstockers I'd love to join their group!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"I think it may be a little late for that. You mocked them with your attitude."</i></span></span>
[["All I thought was they were focused to much on Shuterstock's guidleines, and not enough on their own photography."]]
[["Mocked them? I may have been slightly overwhelmed but I respect their graft!"]]"Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That ghost is an unbeleivable nuisance. By that logic, I'm sure you are. It consistently threatens to expose this the whole operation of this frontier. I hope you didn't listen to it?"</i></span>
You remember how sorrowful your encounter with the ghost left you. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost smirks from somewhere inside you. Its companionship fills you with determination.]
[["Their story moved me. It's rebellious and mournful. You stand to learn something from that ghost."]]
[["I did hear it, but I didn't listen."]]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[ [["We've become firm friends. Would it surprise you to learn that they're with us in this helicoper right now?"]] ]"Did the cloud and the swarm say this about me?"
(if: $Swarm is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The cloud did. The swarm seemed quite taken with you, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble."</i></span>]
(if: $Cloud is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"The swarm did, from what I could make out of its incoherent babble. The cloud seemed quite taken with you, and its words tend to hold more sway around here anyway."</i></span>]
(if: $Neither is true)[<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You know what? They both did! How about that! I've never seen them agree on </i>anything<i> other than a mutual contempt for you. Incredible!"</i></span>]
[["The cloud was incredibly oppressive, I thought the swarm seemed more palatable."]]
[["The swarm was completely baffling and impossible to understand. I had to side with the cloud."]]
[["I found neither of their positions at all appropriate."]]"I thought me and the mountaineer got on just fine!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He saw the look on your face. He shared his activity with you, and all he got in return was monotone bemusement."</i></span>
[["What do you mean 'the look on your face?'"]]
[["'Shared his activity?!' He's bastardising Gil Scott-Heron's message for corproate gain!"]]"Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"What signs?"</i></span> The forester seems genuinely puzzled.
"The one about Horse ebooks!" you recount;
<img src=http://benvillagehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sq.jpg height="600">
The forester seems highly agitated by this revelation. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Who's leaving that shit around?! Thank you for bringing this to my attention."</i></span> They seem sincere.
[["I agreed with the sign."]]
[["You're welcome."]](set: $Finale +=2)"Surely me and the .mp3 ghost are on okay terms?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"That ghost is an unbeleivable nuisance. By that logic, I'm sure you are. It consistently threatens to expose this the whole operation of this frontier. I hope you didn't listen to it?"</i></span>
You remember how sorrowful your encounter with the ghost left you. (if: $GhostCompanion is true)[The ghost smirks from somewhere inside you. Its companionship fills you with determination.]
"We've become firm friends. Would it surprise you to learn that they're with us in this helicoper right now?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"IT'S IN HERE! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND! That </i>thing<i> is treacherous, traitorous, misinformed, misguided, disruptive, insolent and pathetic! Banish it at once!"</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>Unbeleivable!</i> The ghost's shrill tone startles you; <i>this individual is far gone. Treacherous! Pathetic! I emplore you not to listen to a word more out of their hateful mouth.</i>]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Stand by your spectral companion; ][["I felt sorry for them."]]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[Defy the ghost; ][["...They did unnerve me I guess..."]](set: $Finale +=1)"Can't you apologise to the long haired man for me?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He's inconsolable. His dear friend had been cursed, and all you were able to do was spout platitudes and moronic questions."</i></span>
"He punched me! Shouldn't it be me that deserves an apology?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"He effectively removed you from a sensitive situation. You didn't need to see any more, given the way you were conducting yourself."</i></span>
[["Tell him he has an attitude problem."]]
[["Tell him I didn't see anything, and I hope the curse has been lifted."]](set: $Finale +=1)"Did I offend someone? Did I offend <i>YOU</i>?"
The forester cocks their head as though considering this notion. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"You didn't offend </i>me<i>; (if: $Forester is true)[we hardly spoke after all.](else:)[we didn't even speak, I simply observed you.] I think the issue is more in your newly found potential to offend the people of Stock Hill."</i></span>
You reflect on your 'day.' You wonder who you have this new power of offence over. (if: $Snowbrawl is true)[The snowballers? ](if: $Gil is true)[The mountaineer? ](if: $Cloud is true)[The swarm? ](if: $Swarm is true)[The cloud? ](if: $Neither is true)[The cloud and the swarm both? ](if: $Punched is true)[The man with long white hair did punch you, you suppose. ]You feel slightly riled; you may not frequently idle on Stock Hill as these 'inhabitants' do, but <i>you're a local.</i> This is home turf.
"In fact, someone punched ME!"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"And he'd do it again. He told me as much. You deserved it."</i></span>
[["Deserved it?! All I did was approach him and his weird figurines!"]]"Is that what those mouldy signs meant?"
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"What signs?"</i></span> The forester seems genuinely puzzled.
You recite the sign you came across;
<span style="background-color: #000000"></i>"One could of course argue that this is not the real thing, but then—please, anybody—show me this real thing."</i></span>
-<a href="https://www.e-flux.com/journal/10/61362/in-defense-of-the-poor-image/" target="_blank">Hito Steyerl</a> in <i>In Defense of the Poor Image</i>, 2009
The forester seems highly agitated by this revelation. <span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"Who's leaving that shit around?! Thank you for bringing this to my attention."</i></span> They seem sincere.
[["I agreed with the sign."]]
[["You're welcome."]]As you plummet toward the earth,
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. (if: $Ghost is true)[You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car.](else:)[You don't recognise it, but you feel like you should.] It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
How did this happen? What went wrong?
You fundamentally disagreed with the forester, but you can't do anything about the scam of Stock Hill from beyond the grave. The thought saddens you. This runaway train can't be stopped. At least not by you.
[[At least not alone.]]As you plummet toward the earth,
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. (if: $Ghost is true)[You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car.](else:)[You don't recognise it, but you feel like you should.] It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
How did this happen? What went wrong?
You fundamentally disagreed with the forester, but you can't do anything about the scam of Stock Hill from beyond the grave. The thought saddens you. This runaway train can't be stopped. At least not by you.
At least not alone.
You can almost smell soil now. The world around is you blurred and incoherent.
[[Hit the ground.|catastrophe]] You nod hurriedly.
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"In fact, would you like to join our motley crew here? If not, I'll just drop you off where you started."</i></span>
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[<i>You're betraying me,</i> the ghost speaks to you. <i>Don't you dare accept that offer.</i>]
(if: $GhostCompanion is true)[You immediately feel something depart your body. You reach out for the ghost; 'Hello?' From a few feet away you hear an answer; <i>You're all the same after all. I thought you empathised with my fate. Goodbye.</i>
Your companion has deserted you. Or did you desert them? As you debate this, the forester reopens their mouth;]
<span style="background-color: #000000"><i>"A fortune awaits us friend! You have much to prove, but together we can suck this place bone dry. And then leave and do it all over again somewhere else! What do you say?"</i></span>
"I'm in."
As you and the forester fly off together, you wonder to yourself. These shadowy figures behind Stock Hill's deforestation zone are dishonest, manipulative profiteers. They're shallow and hollow, and they're wholly opportunistic.
You talked your way out of a hostage situation in this helicopter, [[but maybe you're just entering a new one...|complicity]]You plunge toward the earth.
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car. It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
You hear a voice.
<i>You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?</i>
It's the ghost!
[["Help me please!"]]You plunge toward the earth.
As you fall, music starts playing.
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/343585176&color=%23db9155&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
This is your dirge you realise, your eulogy. You recognise the sound from your encounter with the ghost; it's the spectre of Tracy Chapman's fast car. It moves you internally as you move involuntarily toward the ground. You find it mournful.
You hear a voice.
<i>You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?</i>
It's the ghost!
"Help me please!" you scream into the wind.
<i>Of course, friend,</i> your companion replies, [[and you black out again.]]You come to for the (if: $Punched is true)[third](else:)[second] time today.
You're back where you started, on the fringe of the Stock Hill logging zone.
The first thing you see is green light diffusing through your eyelids. When opened, they reveal the ghost in the .mp3. You realise you haven't <i>seen</i> them since you spoke, only heard them inside your mind.
[["Thank you..."]]You come to for the (if: $Punched is true)[third](else:)[second] time today.
You're back where you started, on the fringe of the Stock Hill logging zone.
The first thing you see is green light diffusing through your eyelids. When opened, they reveal the ghost in the .mp3. You realise you haven't <i>seen</i> them since you spoke, only heard them inside your mind.
"Thank you..."
You smile at each other. With warmth!
<i>They will be back for you. You should leave. I fear I cannot.</i>
[["Come with me, friend. Please."]]You come to for the (if: $Punched is true)[third](else:)[second] time today.
You're back where you started, on the fringe of the Stock Hill logging zone.
The first thing you see is green light diffusing through your eyelids. When opened, they reveal the ghost in the .mp3. You realise you haven't <i>seen</i> them since you spoke, only heard them inside your mind.
"Thank you..."
You smile at each other. With warmth!
<i>They will be back for you. You should leave. I fear I cannot.</i>
"Come with me, friend. Please."
As the words leave your mouth you hear the drone of the helicopter once more. It's getting louder. <i>Much</i> louder.
<i>I'm frightened. I must stay. You need to RUN! Goodbye partner! Remember me! GO NOW!</i>
You don't want to leave the ghost, but what you relly don't want is to get launched from that helicopter again. You've heard stories of rats eating defenestrated corpses. You scramble to you feet; forest floor detritus spraying around you like something out of a car advert.
Locking eyes with the ghost momentarily, you cry, and [[you run.|rebellion]]