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Conservation and archiving practices - Highlighting Ben Grossers' Go Rando with new-media conservator Patricia Falcão

Conservation and archiving practices
Highlighting Ben Grossers’ Go Rando with new-media conservator Patricia Falcão

In this discussion, Ben Grosser’s work Go Rando, a plug-in that randomises Facebook emotions, is the starting point for a discussion surrounding conservation and archival processes by way of materials, maintenance, documentation and the future-proofing of web-based work.

The conversation includes Ben Grosser, in conversation with New-Media Conservator Patricia Falcão, arebyte Curator Rebecca Edwards, and Creative Director / Founder Nimrod Vardi

Patricia Falcão is a Portuguese time-based media conservator working at Tate, where she researches and develops strategies for the preservation of software-based artworks. More recently, in the context of the Reshaping the Collectible project, this has broadened to include the acquisition and preservation of web-based artworks. In the past eight years, she has consistently published on the theme of preservation of time-based media, digital and software-based art, in the conservation and digital preservation communities.

Twitter @PatriciaMFalcao

This video was made in conjunction with the exhibition Software For Less by Ben Grosser

The exhibition runs 20th August – 23rd October 2021
Part of arebyte Gallery’s 2021 programme realities

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