The Choreography of Things
A Trailer Show by Choy Ka Fai
19 September – 17 October 2014 @ arebyte Gallery Hackney Wick

What we think about when we think about dance?
Is it possible to alter the neural impulses of our choreographic minds?
Following Choy Kai Fa’s residency of the same name The Choreography of Things is an exploration into the neurological narratives of our body and the things that condition us. The project investigates perceptions of movements and memories. Inquiring into the paradigm of the mind and body with a pseudo scientific aesthetic.
The Trailer Show will present a series of studies on the act of choreography and the possibilities of a choreographic neural archive.
The human brain is the single most fascinating and enigmatic organ of our body. It is also one of the most complex and ancient technologies we had yet to explore. Choreographers had always been intrigued by concept of the mind and the body.
Many had explored this relationship through dance, text, emotions, sound and images. Some works were mesmerising; while others were inherently abstract in the way they negotiated the complexity of our neurological paths. However, with today emerging technology, we are able to access our neural data easily with commercial devices. Artists are now able to hack into our own brainwave activities to create artistic hypothesis.
These artistic hypotheses would generate an alternative ways of how we perceive brainwave data as a basis of experiment on our cognitive potential in relation with the idea of movement.