Duncan Poulton
An assemblage of footage scoured from the depths of the internet, Jetsam is a densely layered video-collage which combines computer-generated simulations of water into a constantly swirling and overlapping pool of unreal images. The soundtrack comprises simulated liquid sounds which composer Richard Stenton has reconfigured into new syncopated and congealing sonic forms.
Duncan Poulton works in an expanded form of collage spanning digital video and image assemblage. Itinerant in nature, his work is currently preoccupied with themes of simulation, copying and circulation, acting out an ongoing remediation of our increasingly virtual world.
He is involved in a constant and obsessive process of gathering materials into a vast digital archive – focusing on ‘poor’, lost or arbitrary images – and developing new frameworks or intuitive logics with which to reinsert them, offering them new life. Working exclusively with found content, he observes, deconstructs and reconfigures digital imagery to shape new formal or absurd associations and overlaps.
‘Going Away.tv’ is an online platform hosting live streamed artists’ moving image 24/7, combining work from a variety of localities and backgrounds. At once embracing and critiquing the democratic nature of streaming platforms such as ‘Twitch’ and ‘Youtube Live’, ‘Going Away.tv’ will continuously present the work of multiple artists working in moving image and broadcasting, randomised but presented sequentially twenty four hours a day. On returning visits to ‘Going Away’, you may not see the same work twice.