BOT is based on the concepts of transhumanism, digital presence, fake culture and overexposure. These concepts are already part of the collective imagination in online and physical environments, and are becoming increasingly blurred. This blurring creates a complex net of truths and lies that are difficult to locate and differentiate.
BOT will present a series of artist enabled chat-bots, visually based on instant messaging or chat environments. The interface presents different services of “fake” presence but also includes one real chat-box for visitors to interact directly with the artist.
A bot is an automated programming unit capable of performing certain tasks repeatedly. These bots are recently widely used on certain online platforms as a corporate visitor service.
BOT plays with the idea of the chat-bot through the presence of the artists, who are in control of answering the questions and comments of visitors on the website.
The project is created by Solimán López, new media artist and founder of the Harddiskmuseum as an environment of real and non real connection. The project will unfold over the coming weeks with contributions from Solimán and five artists from Harddiskmuseum.