Ian Bruner
The work is an exploration of the power dynamics of narrative. A cut up process taking materials from a wide range of sources, a process of hermeneutics. Connecting and drawing out. Based on the myth of argus panoptes its focuses is the narrative force entangled in aspects of surveillance and consumerism; and how these two spheres of civilization bend into each other twisting into a knot. while also addressing the repetition of these themes that follow the arch of human history. The video represents the first in a on going work.
Ian Bruner is a Colorado based artist with a BA English Literature degree from UCCS. Working digitally and in nature Bruner’s practice has most recently begun to explore the gamification of labor and leisure hours and the role and effect of mass-data collection and surveillance. Co-creates of Rhizome Parking Garage.
His work has been featured in shows including: Beneath the beach, seamless paving stones, Rhizome Parking Garage, online (2019); Orchid, Pyeongchon Architectural Park, Anyang; The Value of What?, BSMNT, Leipzig; Omni Salvation, Center Red, Moscow; AVAKIN #opencall, AVAKIN LIFE; Finches sung in the trees and nothing was wrong, Off Site Project; The Finder, Off Site Project, online; and Straight Line Labyrinth, Final Hot Desert, Utah (2018). His work is featured on the online platform Going Away.tv and in Blessure Magazine, Tyvetnik, Joirnal FYI, AQNB, Daily Lazy .
‘Going Away.tv’ is an online platform hosting live streamed artists’ moving image 24/7, combining work from a variety of localities and backgrounds. At once embracing and critiquing the democratic nature of streaming platforms such as ‘Twitch’ and ‘Youtube Live’, ‘Going Away.tv’ will continuously present the work of multiple artists working in moving image and broadcasting, randomised but presented sequentially twenty four hours a day. On returning visits to ‘Going Away’, you may not see the same work twice.