Lama El Khatib and Samir Ghobril
Where else if not in perspective?

Where else if not in perspective? takes Anne Carson’s Short Talk on The Rules of Perspective (1987) as its starting point in order to explore the ways in which spatial constructions are related (or non-related) to our sensory apparatuses. Perspective becomes a subject of study and perspectival points become holes in which the certainty of what we deem spatial (real, virtual) collapses. The failure of taking space (digital, analogue) into our full possession churns the matter of space out as fragments of images and sounds.
The work is a blueprint for a longer series of audio-visual diagrammatic dialogues between Lama El Khatib and Samir Ghobril that take space as their subject and material.
Lama El Khatib writes, draws, and makes objects. Her practice examines spatial relations as aesthetic, political, and cultural questions.
Samir Ghobril makes music and sound. His work explores sound at the interface of analog and digital tools and production.