Marie Grimal
Détendre un peu sa chevelure après la piscine

Marie Grimal was born in 1992 in Amiens. She studied at Beaux Arts in Lyon and at the School of Art and Design in Saint-Etienne. She had the opportunity to participate in several exhibitions: Streep-tease at Somme-Toute (Clermont Ferrand), Jardin d’hiver at Quatre-Vingt-Onze (Paris), Peinture en pâture at Villa Belleville (Paris), Promenade domestique to St-Pierre Church by Corbusier (Firminy), 45 °north 5 °south at the Bernard Ceysson Gallery (Saint-Étienne) and at the Saint-Étienne International Biennial of Design in 2017. She realized several Bel Ordinaire residences at Villa Belleville and at Somme-Toute.

extract of Un entretien en cohue concerning the artist
The images of your Instagram account made me think of Giorgio Morandi, the italian painter, but with something more Fauve. Do you know this painter ? As if Morandi had met Gauguin and started insular painting.Marie
I love the description you do of my work. Yes I know Morandi. I Love the silence between the objects and this kind of concentration.Benjamin
It’s very nicely put, this question of silence between the objects.
In your work this fauvist side strangely doesn’t bring noise. In Delaunay’s for instance, one feels an activity, an urban or cabaret noise. This is not the case in your work and I find this enjoyable, this depth fauvism of some sort.Marie
I lived in Brest, this is maybe because of unconscious influence of Pont-Aven school. Or maybe it is the oxide colors of finisterian landscapes which got into my work.Benjamin
I was also telling myself that in painting, maybe more time is spent to show than to look. You was mentioning Pont-Aven, the Finistère, and these are places where less is shown and a lot more is contemplated. In your work also I think you’re proposing to look. With a Morandi fashion, who was more into the look than in the demonstration.
See more about the project French Hair curated by Romancero Gitano.