Within an elevated terrain, pools of water hold the whispers of memory and story.

SPUR.WORLD is a browser based game developed and run through Unity, a 3D game engine. Please note that webpages will take some time to fully load and will require that your browser is operating on the most recent version.
Please use the following commands when navigating the worlds:
W/A/S/D to move
Mouse to look
SPACE to jump
Click anywhere to close
arebyte selects three artists from SPUR.WORLD to be presented together on AOS: Babe, lIl, and Ilcruthac have been selected for their connection to arebyte’s yearly theme of ‘realities’, as well as their respective connections to the natural, mysticism and magic within landscapes, and alternative rituals of performing consciousness, memory and otherness.
SPUR is a virtual residency platform uniting international graduates working across digital mediums. Spanning workshops, collaboration, and mentorship, the residency program facilitates new methodologies for working collectively online.
Operating within the digital platform developed by Berlin-based Omsk Social Club, SPUR participants navigate their practice as newly formed pseudo personas. Through skill-sharing and virtual studio space, SPUR residents form an invaluable peer network as they embark on the early stages of their artistic careers.
Zhang OO, Sade Arellano, Nicholas Delap, Emma Dolan, Jordan Edge, Arieh Frosh, Benjamin Hall, Yifan He, Elijah Kennedy, Nuka Nayu, Kerolaina Linkevica, Niamh Lynch, Kinnari Saraiya, and Ellie Towers.
SPUR is produced by Chaos Magic, Omsk Social Club and D-UNIT.
SPUR.WORLD and resulting programming will be hosted by the following UK partners: Arebyte, London, Chaos Magic, Nottingham, D-UNIT, Bristol, Eastside Projects, Birmingham, PALFREY, London, QUAD, Derby
SPUR.WORLD website: Joel Cocks and Multimodal
Graphic Design: PARADYME www.paradyme.zone
SPUR virtual exhibition build: Ben Hall www.benvillagehall.com