arebyte Skills: XYZ

About XYZ programme
XYZ is a yearly programme run by arebyte aiming at nurturing young talents to open paths into employment within the games & real time industries. The initiative is an ongoing collaboration with ELAM, focusing on developing their students’ creative digital skills and encouraging critical thinking. In the past arebyte has partnered with art collective keiken, and tracking technology studio TARGET3D.
About ELAM
ELAM is an Ofsted Outstanding free school in East London dedicated to giving opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to enter the games & real time industries. Through collaborations with Sports Interactive, Creative assembly and Sony, ELAM ensures trainees get first hand experience of what working in games looks like. As University isn’t an option for many trainees due to expenses, ELAM works hard to open more doors and provide to the industry its talented students. Recent successes include internships at Curve digital, Sports interactive and Modern Mirror.