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During this session In-Grid looked predominantly into the two following areas:
In-grid has used a number of platforms to form over, places to merge thoughts, feelings and ideas, but how can they re-imagine they’re elements converging, collecting and filtering? What constitutes collaboration and how is In-grid forming through it?
Dispersed Archive/Conscious
In-grid has been collecting memories, transient thoughts and conversations from all it’s members, compiling a recollection, a conscious of its own creation. In-grid is looking for ways to keep this dispersed network of interactions decentralized and non-linear, an archive that reflects In-grids conception and formation.
Maggie Roberts is a member of the 0rphan Drift collaboration. Their practice has explores different modes of collaboration and how it could be expanded to the non human. Orphan Drift has recently been working with Etic Lab, asking what it might mean to communicate with an Alien Intelligence and how might we try to do it? Involving direct encounters with cephalopods and collaborative explorations with Machine Learning engineers, VR designers and teuthologists.
During this session In-Grid explored the sub-theme of Alter Worlds with the help of Keiken through an open conversation and crit around the residency which focused on liveness and world building.
Keiken have produced a number of experimental events creating interesting dynamics with new technologies and were asked to share their experience as In-grid developed the live event concepts.
Keiken also helped with the conversation around the development of a speculative narrative, exploring multi-channel storytelling, and creating a consistent and well-presented world. Shared processes and tools for building to help In-grid shoot up and off into the cosmos!
Keiken are a cross-dimensional collaborative practice (Hana Omori, Isabel Ramos and Tanya Cruz), whose practice merges the physical with the digital by building online worlds and augmented realities for you to experience, often through face filters hosted on Instagram.
The collective are based across London and Berlin, working with virtual reality, augmented reality, performance and gaming engines to explore new fictional presents and futures.
During this session In-Grid delved into its second sub-theme of Shadow Subversions with artist and environmental engineer Tega Brain.
Eccentric engineering
In the open crit with In-grid, Tega Brain and the residency artists discussed how corporate software like video conferencing apps and project management tools could be used critically by revealing the edges and ideologies of these technologies, making them open for re-imagination. This is a practice that Tega Brain calls eccentric engineering; it is also at the core of In-grid, the desire to seeks and subvert the same tools that it has been built through (Slack, Zoom and YouTube) during the quarantine and social distancing.
In her works, Tega Brain has subverted existing systems in multiple ways. In New York Apartment , she and Sam Lavigne collected the totality of New York real estate into a single listing; in the workshop series Bushwick Analytica, Tega Brain invited local middle schoolers to study data driven advertising and build their own targeted campaigns, ranging from “No School on Mondays” to “Play Fortnite”. Tega Brain is also an Assistant Professor of Integrated Digital Media in New York University.
During this session In-grid explored the sub-theme of Shifting Chronology over two sessions with the help of Bellingcat.
Nick Waters, Bellingcat contributor, shares some of the techniques he uses for his investigative reporting.
Bellingcat are an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists using open source and social media investigation to probe a variety of subjects – including tracking the use of chemical weapons and conflicts worldwide. With staff and contributors in more than 20 countries around the world, Bellingcat operate in a unique field where advanced technology, forensic research, journalism, investigations, transparency and accountability come together.
In-grid was the creation of a collective residency between artists from Goldsmiths Computing Department, in collaboration with arebyte Gallery and AOS (arebyte on screen), in 2020.
Through artistic intervention, performance moments, a public programme of events and a live platform that continuously reinvents itself, In-grid questioned and repurposed how we exchange concepts and communicate as individuals and as collectives.
In-grid commented on the potential of the digital, while also acknowledging that threats to privacy, agency and digital equity are increasingly commonplace. What happens when the system fails, or you make it fail with us?
In-grid was formed of artists Dania Alsaleh, Rebecca Aston. Baqi Ba, Megan Benson, Jingyi Chen, Johanna de Verdier, Batool Desouky, Panja Göbel, Rob Hall, Veera Jussila, James Lawton, Yasmin Morgan, Lauma Muizaraja, Karen Okpoti, Gabor Paszti, Hazel Ryan, Anna Sang, George Simms, Katie Tindle, Ziwei Wu, Hristo Yordanov and Yishuai Zhang.
Livestreaming produced by Rob Hall.